Philippe Larochelle est le fondateur de Larochelle Avocats,, une boutique de litige à Montréal, Canada.
M. Larochelle pratique le droit pénal international depuis 2001, ayant représenté des clients devant le TPIR, la CPI et le Tribunal Spécial pour le Liban. Il a également assisté des victimes, incluant devant les Chambres extraordinaires au sein des tribunaux cambodgiens.
Après avoir obtenu des acquittements d’accusations de génocide pour ses clients devant le TPIR et au Canada, et la libération de son plus récent client, Maxime Mokom, devant la CPI, la pratique de M. Larochelle inclut maintenant des sujets post-conviction trop souvent négligés : relocalisation, compensation, réouverture. Un de ses mandats pro bono devant le MICT est celui d’André Ntagerura, acquitté par le TPIR en février 2004 et toujours à la recherche d’un pays d’accueil en 2024, 20 ans plus tard.
Pourquoi pro bono ? Parce que le MICT, comme la CPI, continue de priver les avocats de la défense de conditions de travail acceptables.
Comme Président, j’entends donc me battre non seulement pour nos clients, victimes, suspects ou accusés, mais aussi pour notre barreau, afin de s’assurer que nos conditions de travail nous permettent de continuer à représenter, sans compromis, ces clients.
Victor Tsilonis is the managing partner of NEWLAW and a highly regarded nominee for the 2020 ICC judicial elections, praised by the independent Advisory Committee on the Nominations of Judges. As a distinguished member of the International Criminal Court Bar Association (ICCBA), Dr Tsilonis has twice served as ICCBA Vice-President (2019-2020 & 2021-2022), held a position on the Executive Council (2022-2023), and chaired the Professional Standards Advisory Committee (2019-2020 & 2023-2024). He has played a pivotal role in the ICC Disciplinary Organs, contributing to 27% of published decisions. Dr Tsilonis has also shared his expertise as an adjunct lecturer at the Hellenic Open University (2022-2024). His seminal publication, The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (Springer, 2nd edition, 2024), addresses critical issues such as AI, cyber warfare, and ecocide. In recognition of his contributions to the legal discourse on ecocide and the ICC, Dr Tsilonis has been officially informed that he will receive the 2024 International Science Prize of the Hans Günter Brauch Foundation for Peace and Ecology in the Anthropocene in October 2024.
Executive Council
Ibrahima Hamidou Deme a entamé sa carrière judiciaire en 1998 et a exercé les fonctions de procureur pendant 13 ans dans des juridictions d’instance et d’appel au Sénégal. Il a ainsi été procureur aux chambres criminelles de la Cour d’appel de Dakar, jugeant en appel les crimes les plus graves, impliquant notamment les affaires d’homicides et de violences aggravées. Dans sa carrière de magistrat, il a aussi été associé à la rédaction de beaucoup de textes juridiques, notamment le code des obligations déontologiques des magistrats sénégalais. En outre, il a été membre élu du Conseil Supérieur de la magistrature, instance chargée de la gestion de la carrière et de la discipline des magistrats sénégalais. Après sa démission de la magistrature en 2018, il a poursuivi ses activités d’enseignement en droits de l’Homme et droit de l’enfant entamées en 2013 à l’université de Dakar qu’il exerce parallèlement avec celles d’expert-consultant en droits de l’Homme et de l’enfant et réformes judiciaires auprès des organisations des Nations unies. Il est aussi avocat à la Cour Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples. Titulaire d’une maîtrise en droit public à l’Université Gaston Berger de Saint Louis et d’un master en droits de l’Homme et en droit humanitaire à l’Université de Dakar, il est aussi l’auteur de plusieurs publications sur la procédure pénale, sur la réforme de la justice et la protection judiciaire de l’enfant.
Haydee Dijkstal is a UK barrister and US attorney with over nearly 15 years experience practicing international criminal and human rights law before international tribunals including the ICC. She currently serves as the ICCBA Victims Committee’s Chair, as well as on the Working Groups on Victims Representation in Early Stages of Proceedings and the Working Group on Duty of Care. She has previously served multiple terms on the ICCBA’s Executive Council and was elected as Vice President for Victims. Haydee’s practice includes work before the ICC, ICTY, SCSL, African Commission and Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights and various UN bodies. Haydee has been a member of legal teams before the International Criminal Court since 2011 representing parties including the defence, victims and Governments. Haydee has extensive experience with victim representation before the ICC. She is currently representing victims at the ICC in the Situation in Afghanistan and Situation in Ukraine. Additionally, she previously acted as co-counsel on the legal team for the Comoros Government and victims in the Registered Vessels situation; as a member of the legal team for Sudanese victims in the Banda Jerbo case; and as counsel for a number of Article 15 Communications on behalf of victims – including for victims from Syria and of flight PS752. Other instructions before the ICC include acting on the defence team for Abdullah Al-Senussi in the Libya Situation; and on the legal team for the Kenyan Government. In addition, she has been instructed as counsel for amicus curiae submissions in Palestine situation and Ntaganda case.
Forte de plus de vingt ans d’expérience devant les juridictions internationales, Maître Dimitri occupe aujourd’hui le poste de conseil principal pour Alfred Yekatom dans la Situation de la République Centrafricaine II devant la Cour pénale internationale. Elle a également été conseil associé pour M. Jean-Pierre Bemba (article 70). Devant le Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda (TPIR), elle a défendu le Dr Augustin Ngirabatware, ministre du Plan, en tant que conseil principal, à la fois lors du procès et des procédures d’appel. Elle a aussi occupé le rôle de co-conseil pour Arsène Shalom Ntahobali, fils de la ministre de la Condition féminine, Pauline Nyiramasuhuko, à travers les étapes du procès et de l’appel. Expérimentée dans la gestion des procès par contumace, elle a co-représenté les droits et intérêts de Mustafa Badreddine devant le Tribunal spécial pour le Liban jusqu’à la cessation des poursuites, période après laquelle elle est devenue consultante juridique pour M. Hassan Habib Merhi. Au Canada, elle a mené un procès sous juridiction universelle, défendant Désiré Munyaneza contre des accusations liées au génocide rwandais de 1994, devant la Cour Supérieure du Québec et la Cour d’appel du Québec. Reconnue pour son expertise, Maître Dimitri a donné de nombreuses conférences sur les enquêtes open source, les défis liés à la défense des suspects en période de guerre, et a offert une formation spécialisée à des avocats ukrainiens, soulignant son engagement envers l’éducation juridique et les droits humains internationaux. Elle a également fait partie d’un groupe d’experts invités par l’académie de Nuremberg sur la longueur des procédures devant la CPI.
Despoina Eleftheriou is a Greek lawyer, admitted to the Thessaloniki Bar. She studied law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Faculty of Law, followed by an LLM in International Studies from which she graduated with Honours. In November 2019 she graduated cum laude from the University of Amsterdam with an LLM in International Criminal Law (Joint program with Columbia University in the City of New York). In February 2020, she joined the Defence team for Mr Charles Blé Goudé before the International Criminal Court as a Case Manager. In September 2020, she joined the Defence team for Mr Patrice-Édouard Ngaïssona, and in April 2022 she became a Case Manager. Prior to her joining the Defence at the International Criminal Court, she worked as a trainee lawyer at L. Trampa and Associates, based in Thessaloniki (Greece), dealing mostly with civil, criminal and administrative law cases. She has also worked as a legal trainee at the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the Department for International Relations in Thessaloniki.
Haneen is an international criminal law practitioner from Syria; she has experience in the defence in the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Kosovo Specialist Chambers. She is currently part of the defence team of Mr. Maxime Mokom at the ICC as a Case Manager. Prior to her current position, she was a member of the defence team of Mr. Al Hassan and has practiced in various jurisdictions. Haneen has experience working on SGBV (UN Team of Experts on the Rule of Law and Sexual Violence), reparations, and a wide range of procedural issues related to international criminal proceedings, namely disclosure and management of evidence. Haneen is a graduate of LLM Public International Law from Leiden University and the Sorbonne.
Kate Gibson has been representing accused before the international criminal courts and tribunals since 2005. At the ICC, Kate was the Co-Counsel of former Vice-President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Jean-Pierre Bemba and the Co-Counsel of Bosco Ntaganda. At the SCSL, she was Co-Counsel of former Liberian President Charles Taylor. At the ICTY, Kate was the Associate Legal Officer of Judge Mohamed Shahabadeen, and then Co-Counsel of former President of the Republika Sprska Radovan Karadžić before the IRMCT. At the ICTR, Kate was Lead Counsel of former Minister Justin Mugenzi and Co-Counsel of Jean-Baptiste Gatete, and is currently Lead Counsel of Prosper Mugiraneza before the IRMCT. Currently, Kate is Associate Counsel to Joseph Kony before the ICC, and Legal Consultant to Maxime Mokom before the ICC. She is also part of the legal team of former Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi before the Kosovo Specialist Chamber. Kate also represents a group of Rohingya victims in the Myanmar/Bangladesh situation, and was part of a legal team representing victims in the first case before the ECCC. Kate also works in hostage diplomacy, and was Lead Counsel of Paul Rusesabagina detained in Rwanda, and currently represents US citizen Ryan Corbett, detained by the Taliban. Kate is the former President (2023) of the Association of Defence Counsel Practising before the International Courts and Tribunals (ADC-ICT), a former member of the ICCBA Executive Council (2022), and regularly lectures, teaches and trains in international law and procedure. Kate is an Associate Tenant of Doughty Street Chambers, holds an LLM in International Law from Cambridge University.
Laura is a criminal lawyer based in Italy (Rome and Genoa), with experience in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. She is currently a professor of International Relations and Intelligence Systems at Cusano University in Rome and formerly taught Sociology of Human Rights and International Cooperation at the University of Perugia. Laura is a member of the European Law Institute Council in Vienna, supported by the European Commission, and serves as a member of the Human Rights Committee of the Bar Association of Rome. She is the Secretary General of the Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflict and is also an expert for the OSCE Moscow Mechanism, having taken part in the 2022 mission to Ukraine. She is a legal consultant for the Italian National Institute for Migration and Poverty, working on international human rights projects. She has also served in other national and international institutions. Among these, she held the role of Secretary General of the Italian Inter-Ministerial Committee for Human Rights at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was a member of the Management Board of the European Agency for Fundamental Rights. Her academic background includes a Ph.D. from Trinity College Dublin and the University of Genoa, alongside Master’s degrees in Law, Political Science, and International Relations. Laura has authored publications on human rights law, with her work featured by publishers such as Routledge, Springer, Sage, and Mondadori.
Anta Guissé has been a practising lawyer at the Paris Bar in France since 1999. Her working language is French, while she also speaks English. As a criminal defence lawyer, she has appeared regularly before national criminal courts and the Assize Court in particular. In addition, Ms Guissé has several years of experience appearing before the international jurisdictions. Between 2002 and 2010, she worked with several different defence teams before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, firstly as a legal assistant and then as counsel. In 2010, Ms Guissé had an assignment in a team of Legal Representatives of Victims before the International Criminal Court. She was also Defence Counsel at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. Since 2012, Ms Guissé has been acting as an international lawyer for former Chairman KHIEU Samphân before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) and is currently Counsel for Mr. Yekatom at the ICC. Ms Guissé also regularly presents at training workshops for colleagues on the subject of international criminal justice.
Megan Hirst is an Australian lawyer, practicing from the London bar. She has been working at and before the ICC since 2009, with a particular focus on victim participation. At the ICC she has undertaken victim representation in the Ongwen Case, the Bangladesh/Myanmar Situation and the Afghanistan Situation. From 2019 until 2022 she was International Lead Co-Lawyer for victims participating as civil parties in Case 002/02 at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. Megan was previously a legal officer in the Registries of the ICC and the STL, primarily working on victim participation. Megan has previously served three terms on the Executive Council (2019-2021, 2023-2024) and in 2019-2021 was also Vice President for Victims and a member of the Victims’ Committee.
I am a Criminal Defense Attorney based in Atlanta, Georgia and Miami, Florida. I began my legal career as a State Public Defender in Miami in 1990 and was involved in over 100 Trials ranging from Murder and Rape, to Kidnapping and Drug Trafficking; I became a Senior Trial Attorney responsible for a Major Crimes caseload which primarily consisted of murder cases or high-profile media cases in Atlanta. I was also a Federal Public Defender in Florida and was a member of the defense team in one of the first federal trials of terrorists in the United States in which our client was ultimately absolved of any criminal responsibility. I served as a War Crimes Prosecutor at the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) where I served as the senior trial attorney in the prosecution of the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC). Subsequent to Sierra Leone I spent a year in Cairo, Egypt as a special advisor to the Egyptian government attempting to establish a formal, national criminal defense office. Additionally I have served as a trial rapporteur, monitor, and training attorney on behalf of the International Bar Association and the American Bar Association in Zimbabwe, Malawi, the United Arab Emirates, Mongolia and Kosovo. I worked in the Atlanta office of the Johnnie Cochran Firm where I was involved in both criminal and civil trials and the development of the Firm’s Latino outreach. During this time the Cochran firm entered into agreements with the Guatemalan and Mexican governments to provide legal support to their foreign nationals throughout the United States. My trial expertise has led to civil judgements in excess of $25,000,000.00 for our clients and acquittals or reduced charges in numerous murder and drug cases over the past several years. Currently, I am the lead defense counsel in the war crimes case of USA v. Encep Nurjaman (aka Hambali), being held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Audrey MATEO est actuellement conseillère juridique dans l'équipe de défense de M. Abd-Al-Rahman à la CPI. Elle a également été un membre actif du Comité exécutif de l'ICCBA (2023-2024). En 1997, elle a terminé ses études de droit à Aix en Provence et à Montpellier, en France. Elle a ensuite étudié au Cap, en Afrique du Sud, où elle a obtenu un LL.M. en droits de l'homme et en droit international à l'Université du Western Cape ( UWC). Au début de sa carrière, à la Commission européenne à Bruxelles, elle a travaillé dans la task-force sur l'avenir de l'Union européenne. Elle a ensuite travaillé comme juriste pendant 10 ans aux chambres du TPIY et à la CPI dans le cadre du procès du Katanga. Elle a vécu deux ans au Cambodge où elle a travaillé comme consultante juridique et bénévole pour des ONG de défense des droits de l'homme et a soutenu les avocats des victimes devant les CETC. Elle a également été consultante au KSC-SPO. Depuis 2021, Audrey travaille comme juge du HCR à la Cour nationale du droit d'asile à Paris, et elle donne également des formations en tant que consultante sur la prévention du harcèlement sexuel au travail. Elle est également un membre actif de l'Association des Magistrats Internationaux Francophones (AMIF).