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Philippe Larochelle est le fondateur de Larochelle Avocats,, une boutique de litige à Montréal, Canada. 

M. Larochelle pratique le droit pénal international depuis 2001, ayant représenté des clients devant le TPIR, la CPI et le Tribunal Spécial pour le Liban.  Il a également assisté des victimes, incluant devant les Chambres extraordinaires au sein des tribunaux cambodgiens.

Après avoir obtenu des acquittements d’accusations de génocide pour ses clients devant le TPIR et au Canada, et la libération de son plus récent client, Maxime Mokom, devant la CPI, la pratique de M. Larochelle inclut maintenant des sujets post-conviction trop souvent négligés : relocalisation, compensation, réouverture. Un de ses mandats pro bono devant le MICT est celui d’André Ntagerura, acquitté par le TPIR en février 2004 et toujours à la recherche d’un pays d’accueil en 2024, 20 ans plus tard.

Pourquoi pro bono ? Parce que le MICT, comme la CPI, continue de priver les avocats de la défense de conditions de travail acceptables.

Comme Président, j’entends donc me battre non seulement pour nos clients, victimes, suspects ou accusés, mais aussi pour notre barreau, afin de s’assurer que nos conditions de travail nous permettent de continuer à représenter, sans compromis, ces clients.

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Victor Tsilonis is the managing partner of NEWLAW and a highly regarded nominee for the 2020 ICC judicial elections, praised by the independent Advisory Committee on the Nominations of Judges. As a distinguished member of the International Criminal Court Bar Association (ICCBA), Dr Tsilonis has twice served as ICCBA Vice-President (2019-2020 & 2021-2022), held a position on the Executive Council (2022-2023), and chaired the Professional Standards Advisory Committee (2019-2020 & 2023-2024). He has played a pivotal role in the ICC Disciplinary Organs, contributing to 27% of published decisions. Dr Tsilonis has also shared his expertise as an adjunct lecturer at the Hellenic Open University (2022-2024). His seminal publication, The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (Springer, 2nd edition, 2024), addresses critical issues such as AI, cyber warfare, and ecocide. In recognition of his contributions to the legal discourse on ecocide and the ICC, Dr Tsilonis has been officially informed that he will receive the 2024 International Science Prize of the Hans Günter Brauch Foundation for Peace and Ecology in the Anthropocene in October 2024.

Executive Council


Ibrahima Hamidou Deme a entamé sa carrière judiciaire en 1998 et a exercé les fonctions de procureur pendant 13 ans dans des juridictions d’instance et d’appel au Sénégal. Il a ainsi été procureur aux chambres criminelles de la Cour d’appel de Dakar, jugeant en appel les crimes les plus graves, impliquant notamment les affaires d’homicides et de violences aggravées. Dans sa carrière de magistrat, il a aussi été associé à la rédaction de beaucoup de textes juridiques, notamment le code des obligations déontologiques des magistrats sénégalais. En outre, il a été membre élu du Conseil Supérieur de la magistrature, instance chargée de la gestion de la carrière et de la discipline des magistrats sénégalais. Après sa démission de la magistrature en 2018, il a poursuivi ses activités d’enseignement en droits de l’Homme et droit de l’enfant entamées en 2013 à l’université de Dakar qu’il exerce parallèlement avec celles d’expert-consultant en droits de l’Homme et de l’enfant et réformes judiciaires auprès des organisations des Nations unies. Il est aussi avocat à la Cour Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples. Titulaire d’une maîtrise en droit public à l’Université Gaston Berger de Saint Louis et d’un master en droits de l’Homme et en droit humanitaire à l’Université de Dakar, il est aussi l’auteur de plusieurs publications sur la procédure pénale, sur la réforme de la justice et la protection judiciaire de l’enfant.



Haydee Dijkstal is a UK barrister and US attorney with over nearly 15 years experience practicing international criminal and human rights law before international tribunals including the ICC. She currently serves as the ICCBA Victims Committee’s Chair, as well as on the Working Groups on Victims Representation in Early Stages of Proceedings and the Working Group on Duty of Care. She has previously served multiple terms on the ICCBA’s Executive Council and was elected as Vice President for Victims. Haydee’s practice includes work before the ICC, ICTY, SCSL, African Commission and Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights and various UN bodies.  Haydee has been a member of legal teams before the International Criminal Court since 2011 representing parties including the defence, victims and Governments. Haydee has extensive experience with victim representation before the ICC.  She is currently representing victims at the ICC in the Situation in Afghanistan and Situation in Ukraine. Additionally, she previously acted as co-counsel on the legal team for the Comoros Government and victims in the Registered Vessels situation; as a member of the legal team for Sudanese victims in the Banda Jerbo case; and as counsel for a number of Article 15 Communications on behalf of victims – including for victims from Syria and of flight PS752. Other instructions before the ICC include acting on the defence team for Abdullah Al-Senussi in the Libya Situation; and on the legal team for the Kenyan Government. In addition, she has been instructed as counsel for amicus curiae  submissions in Palestine situation and Ntaganda case.

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Forte de plus de vingt ans d’expérience devant les juridictions internationales, Maître Dimitri occupe aujourd’hui le poste de conseil principal pour Alfred Yekatom dans la Situation de la République Centrafricaine II devant la Cour pénale internationale. Elle a également été conseil associé pour M. Jean-Pierre Bemba (article 70). Devant le Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda (TPIR), elle a défendu le Dr Augustin Ngirabatware, ministre du Plan, en tant que conseil principal, à la fois lors du procès et des procédures d’appel. Elle a aussi occupé le rôle de co-conseil pour Arsène Shalom Ntahobali, fils de la ministre de la Condition féminine, Pauline Nyiramasuhuko, à travers les étapes du procès et de l’appel. Expérimentée dans la gestion des procès par contumace, elle a co-représenté les droits et intérêts de Mustafa Badreddine devant le Tribunal spécial pour le Liban jusqu’à la cessation des poursuites, période après laquelle elle est devenue consultante juridique pour M. Hassan Habib Merhi. Au Canada, elle a mené un procès sous juridiction universelle, défendant Désiré Munyaneza contre des accusations liées au génocide rwandais de 1994, devant la Cour Supérieure du Québec et la Cour d’appel du Québec. Reconnue pour son expertise, Maître Dimitri a donné de nombreuses conférences sur les enquêtes open source, les défis liés à la défense des suspects en période de guerre, et a offert une formation spécialisée à des avocats ukrainiens, soulignant son engagement envers l’éducation juridique et les droits humains internationaux. Elle a également fait partie d’un groupe d’experts invités par l’académie de Nuremberg sur la longueur des procédures devant la CPI.



Despoina Eleftheriou is a Greek lawyer, admitted to the Thessaloniki Bar. She studied law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Faculty of Law, followed by an LLM in International Studies from which she graduated with Honours. In November 2019 she graduated cum laude from the University of Amsterdam with an LLM in International Criminal Law (Joint program with Columbia University in the City of New York). In February 2020, she joined the Defence team for Mr Charles Blé Goudé before the International Criminal Court as a Case Manager. In September 2020, she joined the Defence team for Mr Patrice-Édouard Ngaïssona, and in April 2022 she became a Case Manager. Prior to her joining the Defence at the International Criminal Court, she worked as a trainee lawyer at L. Trampa and Associates, based in Thessaloniki (Greece), dealing mostly with civil, criminal and administrative law cases. She has also worked as a legal trainee at the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the Department for International Relations in Thessaloniki.

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Haneen is an international criminal law practitioner from Syria; she has experience in the defence in the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Kosovo Specialist Chambers. She is currently part of the defence team of Mr. Maxime Mokom at the ICC as a Case Manager. Prior to her current position, she was a member of the defence team of Mr. Al Hassan and has practiced in various jurisdictions. Haneen has experience working on SGBV (UN Team of Experts on the Rule of Law and Sexual Violence), reparations, and a wide range of procedural issues related to international criminal proceedings, namely disclosure and management of evidence. Haneen is a graduate of LLM Public International Law from Leiden University and the Sorbonne.

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Kate Gibson has been representing accused before the international criminal courts and tribunals since 2005. At the ICC, Kate was the Co-Counsel of former Vice-President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Jean-Pierre Bemba and the Co-Counsel of Bosco Ntaganda.  At the SCSL, she was Co-Counsel of former Liberian President Charles Taylor. At the ICTY, Kate was the Associate Legal Officer of Judge Mohamed Shahabadeen, and then Co-Counsel of former President of the Republika Sprska Radovan Karadžić before the IRMCT. At the ICTR, Kate was Lead Counsel of former Minister Justin Mugenzi and Co-Counsel of Jean-Baptiste Gatete, and is currently Lead Counsel of Prosper Mugiraneza before the IRMCT. Currently, Kate is Associate Counsel to Joseph Kony before the ICC, and Legal Consultant to Maxime Mokom before the ICC. She is also part of the legal team of former Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi before the Kosovo Specialist Chamber. Kate also represents a group of Rohingya victims in the Myanmar/Bangladesh situation, and was part of a legal team representing victims in the first case before the ECCC.  Kate also works in hostage diplomacy, and was Lead Counsel of Paul Rusesabagina detained in Rwanda, and currently represents US citizen Ryan Corbett, detained by the Taliban. Kate is the former President (2023) of the Association of Defence Counsel Practising before the International Courts and Tribunals (ADC-ICT), a former member of the ICCBA Executive Council (2022), and regularly lectures, teaches and trains in international law and procedure. Kate is an Associate Tenant of Doughty Street Chambers, holds an LLM in International Law from Cambridge University.

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Laura is a criminal lawyer based in Italy (Rome and Genoa), with experience in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. She is currently a professor of International Relations and Intelligence Systems at Cusano University in Rome and formerly taught Sociology of Human Rights and International Cooperation at the University of Perugia. Laura is a member of the European Law Institute Council in Vienna, supported by the European Commission, and serves as a member of the Human Rights Committee of the Bar Association of Rome. She is the Secretary General of the Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflict and is also an expert for the OSCE Moscow Mechanism, having taken part in the 2022 mission to Ukraine. She is a legal consultant for the Italian National Institute for Migration and Poverty, working on international human rights projects. She has also served in other national and international institutions. Among these, she held the role of Secretary General of the Italian Inter-Ministerial Committee for Human Rights at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was a member of the Management Board of the European Agency for Fundamental Rights. Her academic background includes a Ph.D. from Trinity College Dublin and the University of Genoa, alongside Master’s degrees in Law, Political Science, and International Relations. Laura has authored publications on human rights law, with her work featured by publishers such as Routledge, Springer, Sage, and Mondadori.

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Anta Guissé has been a practising lawyer at the Paris Bar in France since 1999. Her working language is French, while she also speaks English. As a criminal defence lawyer, she has appeared regularly before national criminal courts and the Assize Court in particular. In addition, Ms Guissé has several years of experience appearing before the international jurisdictions. Between 2002 and 2010, she worked with several different defence teams before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, firstly as a legal assistant and then as counsel. In 2010, Ms Guissé had an assignment in a team of Legal Representatives of Victims before the International Criminal Court. She was also Defence Counsel at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. Since 2012, Ms Guissé has been acting as an international lawyer for former Chairman KHIEU Samphân before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) and is currently Counsel for Mr. Yekatom at the ICC. Ms Guissé also regularly presents at training workshops for colleagues on the subject of international criminal justice.

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Megan Hirst is an Australian lawyer, practicing from the London bar. She has been working at and before the ICC since 2009, with a particular focus on victim participation. At the ICC she has undertaken victim representation in the Ongwen Case, the Bangladesh/Myanmar Situation and the Afghanistan Situation. From 2019 until 2022 she was International Lead Co-Lawyer for victims participating as civil parties in Case 002/02 at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. Megan was previously a legal officer in the Registries of the ICC and the STL, primarily working on victim participation. Megan has previously served three terms on the Executive Council (2019-2021, 2023-2024) and in 2019-2021 was also Vice President for Victims and a member of the Victims’ Committee.

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I am a Criminal Defense Attorney based in Atlanta, Georgia and Miami, Florida.  I began my legal career as a State Public Defender in Miami in 1990 and was involved in over 100 Trials ranging from Murder and Rape, to Kidnapping and Drug Trafficking; I became a Senior Trial Attorney responsible for a Major Crimes caseload which primarily consisted of murder cases or high-profile media cases in Atlanta. I was also a Federal Public Defender in Florida and was a member of the defense team in one of the first federal trials of terrorists in the United States in which our client was ultimately absolved of any criminal responsibility. I served as a War Crimes Prosecutor at the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) where I served as the senior trial attorney in the prosecution of the Armed  Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC). Subsequent to Sierra Leone I spent a year in Cairo, Egypt as a special advisor to the Egyptian government attempting to establish a formal, national criminal defense office.  Additionally I have served as a trial rapporteur, monitor, and training attorney on behalf of the International Bar Association and the American Bar Association in Zimbabwe, Malawi, the United Arab Emirates, Mongolia and Kosovo. I worked in the Atlanta office of the Johnnie Cochran Firm where I was involved in both criminal and civil trials and the development of the Firm’s Latino outreach.  During this time the Cochran firm entered into agreements with the Guatemalan and Mexican governments to provide legal support to their foreign nationals throughout the United States.  My trial expertise has led to civil judgements in excess of $25,000,000.00 for our clients and acquittals or reduced charges in numerous murder and drug cases over the past several years. Currently, I am the lead defense counsel in the war crimes case of USA v. Encep Nurjaman (aka Hambali), being held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.



Audrey MATEO est actuellement conseillère juridique dans l'équipe de défense de M. Abd-Al-Rahman à la CPI. Elle a également été un membre actif du Comité exécutif de l'ICCBA (2023-2024). En 1997, elle a terminé ses études de droit à Aix en Provence et à Montpellier, en France. Elle a ensuite étudié au Cap, en Afrique du Sud, où elle a obtenu un LL.M. en droits de l'homme et en droit international à l'Université du Western Cape ( UWC). Au début de sa carrière, à la Commission européenne à Bruxelles, elle a travaillé dans la task-force sur l'avenir de l'Union européenne. Elle a ensuite travaillé comme juriste pendant 10 ans aux chambres du TPIY et à la CPI dans le cadre du procès du Katanga. Elle a vécu deux ans au Cambodge où elle a travaillé comme consultante juridique et bénévole pour des ONG de défense des droits de l'homme et a soutenu les avocats des victimes devant les CETC. Elle a également été consultante au KSC-SPO. Depuis 2021, Audrey travaille comme juge du HCR à la Cour nationale du droit d'asile à Paris, et elle donne également des formations en tant que consultante sur la prévention du harcèlement sexuel au travail. Elle est également un membre actif de l'Association des Magistrats Internationaux Francophones (AMIF).

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A veteran lawyer with 20 years of experience, holding a Master's Degree in Public Law (LL.M.) from Tel-Aviv University (Magna Cum Laude). For several years he served as a teaching assistant for penal law, evidence law and criminal procedure in several law faculties in Israel; and published several academic articles in the field of criminal law which were cited by the Israeli Supreme Court. He also published a theoretical book (in Hebrew) titled: "Transitional Justice: The Implications of the Shin Bet Affair on Israeli Society". As a criminal defense attorney, he served as lead counsel in one of the largest criminal organization cases in Israel (the Asi Abutbul case) after the former lead defense attorney (Yoram Hachacham) was murdered in the middle of the trial [See: Criminal Case no. 1049/ 07 The State of Israel v. Yosef (Asi) Abutbul and 23 others, (published in the "Nevo" database)]. In the field of professional responsibility, he currently serves as a judge at the District Disciplinary Tribunal of the Tel-Aviv Bar Association. Before that, he served as a disciplinary prosecutor for several years and after that as a disciplinary defense attorney. He also served as arbitrator on behalf of the Ethics Committee in fee disputes; as well as representing private clients in civil litigation regarding legal malpractice and fee disputes.

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Anand A. Shah est un avocat américain et actuellement avocat associé au sein de l’équipe du représentant légal commun des victimes dans le procès d’Abd-Al-Rahman (« Ali Kushayb ») devant la CPI. Avant cela, il a aidé à la représentation des accusés dans les situations du Darfour, du Kenya et de la Libye devant la CPI, dans des affaires portées devant le TSL, et a agi en tant qu’avocat devant le Conseil de discipline de la CPI. Il est l’actuel vice-président de l’ICCBA pour les victimes et a déjà siégé au Conseil exécutif, ainsi qu’aux comités suivants : Victimes, Normes professionnelles, Amicus, Conseil juridique et Personnel de soutien aux avocats. Il a également joué un rôle de premier plan au sein des groupes de travail de l’ICCBA traitant des questions d’aide juridique, de fiscalité et de harcèlement au travail.



Chief Charles Taku has  over 40 years  experience , including 25 years specializing in international criminal law and human rights. He has represented individuals, state and non-state entities, as well as international organizations in various courts and tribunals. Chief Taku served as president of the International Criminal Court Bar Association (ICCBA) from 2018-2019 and is a life member of the Governing Council of the African Bar Association (AFBA). He has appeared before the International Criminal Court (ICC), the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL), the African Court for Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), and numerous national courts across Africa and Europe. Beyond his legal practice, Chief Taku is a prominent cultural leader and a strong advocate for reparations for colonial injustices. He has authored four books and numerous scholarly articles, contributing significantly to the field of international law. A frequent speaker at global institutions, Chief Taku has recently lectured at prestigious venues, including Harvard Law School and Kwame Nkrumah University. He is fluent in English, French, and Bangwa.



Gregory Townsend started as a deputy public defender in Los Angeles. In 1998, he joined the ICTR, where he clerked for a judge and worked as a prosecuting trial attorney. He later became a prosecutor for the UN peacekeeping mission in Kosovo and ICTY. He served as Head of Office for the SCSL in The Hague. He joined the STL in 2010 as chief legal advisor to the Prosecutor. From 2014 to 2018, he served as Chief of the Registry’s Court Support Services Section for ICTY & IRMCT, where he oversaw witness protection, court operations, judicial records and legal aid. He is a professor of international law and on the list of counsel to represent victims before the KSC and ICC. He was previously duty counsel to Mr. Mokom before the ICC.



Since being called to the Berlin Bar, Natalie von Wistinghausen specialises in criminal law as a trial advocate and has acquired wide-ranging legal experience in domestic and international legal criminal work. She was admitted to the List of Counsel at the ICC, the KSC, the STL and the MICT. Before the ICTR, she was Legal Assistant in the defense team of former Cabinet Minister Justin Mugenzi and in Germany, she was Lead Counsel in a case against Rwandan bourgmestre Rwabukombe who was accused of charges relating to the genocide. Besides her domestic work as defense counsel, she was assigned as Co-Counsel to protect the interests and rights of one of the accused in the in absentia proceedings of at the STL. She also worked as a Senior Rule of Law expert in the UK government project „Strengthening the Judicial System in Kosovo“. Since 2019 Natalie is representing Yazidi victims in universal jurisdiction cases against alleged „ISIS“ members before Higher Regional Courts in Germany. She has also filed criminal complaints on behalf of NGOs who are representing victims of chemical attacks in Syria as well as victims of international crimes committed in Ukraine. In October 2021, she was appointed as Common Legal Representative of Victims in the case against Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman (situation in Darfur, Sudan) at the ICC.

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Ingo Klaus Wamser is the principal of a German law firm specialized in international and transnational criminal law since 2005. He served as a voluntary board member of the Munich Bar from 2013 to 2015. In 2015 he was appointed as a disciplinary judge for counsel’s misconduct cases by the Bavarian Ministry of Justice and was re-appointed in 2020. Ingo is a founding member of the ICCBA and the KSC-IRB and served in different positions on various committees, i.a. as Chairperson of the ICCBA Membership Committee for three terms. He was appointed as Alternate Commissioner of the ICC in 2019. He is author of a commentary and a handbook for professional standards and disciplinary procedures for counsel and lecturer for international law at an Austrian state university.

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Regina is a human rights barrister based in Tasmania, Australia, where her domestic civil practice as counsel principally relates to historical sexual and serious physical institutional abuse of minors and other vulnerable persons. From 2007 to 2016, Regina was an ICC prosecution lawyer in the formative years of the Court, where she worked on cases emanating from Kenya and the Democratic Republic of the Congo amongst others. She prosecuted war crimes and crimes against humanity including sexual and gender-based violence in the context of large-scale atrocities, worked in situ with victims and witnesses of SGBV and has appeared as prosecution counsel before the Pre-Trial and Trial Chambers of the ICC. Prior to her call to the Bar, Regina held senior legal positions in the Australian Federal Government. Regina is also Chair of the Australian Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Committee in Tasmania and an advisory board member of the Hague Justice Portal.

Comité de la Défense​
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Criminal attorney, defense attorney, criminal justice attorney

Occupation: Lawyer (international human rights activist)

Summary: Highly accomplished (human rights lawyer) with extensive legal knowledge and history of advising governmental and private organizations across (20) years of work. Comprehensive analysis of laws, decrees, and statements for use in legal proceedings, pleadings, and memoranda.

A committed and creative attorney specializing in [public] law.Highly skilled in oral advocacy and legal research, which leads to successful litigation of many cases.Experience in mediation, arbitration and settlement negotiations



Iain Edwards est avocat du Barreau d’Angleterre et du Pays de Galles (exercice depuis 2001). Depuis 2009, son activité professionnelle s’est focalisée sur la défense d’accusés dans les procès pénaux internationaux. Il a représenté, ou a participé à la representation, de clients dans dix affaires devant la CPI, le TPIR (Rwanda), le TSL (Liban), le MIFRTP (Rwanda, et l'ex-Yougoslavie) et les CSK (Kosovo). Il est actuellement Conseil adjoint de M. Ali Muhammad Ali Abd-Al-Rahman (Darfour) devant la CPI, Conseil principal de M. Isni Kilaj devant les CSK, et conseil de M. Alphonse Nteziryayo devant le MIFRTP. Il était également conseil adjoint ad hoc de M. Al-Hassan (Mali) vers la fin de la procédure à charge, et pendant la procédure des victims, devant la CPI. Iain est l'actuel secrétaire du Conseil exécutif, et était le vice-Président pour la Défense de l’ABCPI.  Il est membre du Comité de la Défense depuis deux ans. Il a présidé en 2016-2017 deux comités inauguraux de l’ABCPI: le Comité de formation et le Comité consultatif des normes professionnelles. Il est aussi le membre suppléant du Comité de discipline de la CPI. Iain travail aisément aussi bien en français qu’en anglaise, un avantage important compte tenu du caractère multilingue des activités de la Cour.



Elisabetta is an Italian Criminal Lawyer with almost thirty years of experience as Defence Counsel and Counsel for Victims before National Tribunals and Higher Courts. She was admitted to the List of Counsel of the International Criminal Court in 2012. For decades she has been practicing as Lead Counsel in serious crime cases (Criminal Law and Procedure, Civil Law and Procedure, Italian Juvenile System of Courts, Immigration Law, Domestic and International Law, UE Criminal Law, Computer and Cyber Crimes, Sexual Crimes). She is also HR defender. Elisabetta has been involved in national and international associations of Counsel, and actively has promoted the establishing of the ICCBA. In 2016 She was appointed as member of EU and International Criminal Law drafting Commission at the Italian Ministry of Justice. Currently, she is member of the International Committee of the Bar of Bologna with task for liaising with the ICC. As an expert in International Criminal Law and Justice, she is trainer in many compulsory training programs for Lawyers and her articles are published on these topics. Past chair of the ICCBA Membership Committee, Elisabetta has also served as member of the Executive Council and elected member of the ICCBA Victims Committee.



🔱 Jad Khalil 🔱


President of “ The International 

Association to confront Corona virus and Global Violations Officials “ I.A.C.C.O Link:

Legal Advisor of the International Organisation for World Peace .

Defence Counsel for Mr Hassan Merhi STL . 

Counsel for Generals Mostafa Hamdan and Raymond Azar vs. UN

Counsel for Lebanese Deportees vs. Kuwait .

Ex-Chair of ICCBA Defence Committee,

On the list counsels of ICC/ADC-ICT/IRMCT/ KOSOVO sp.Ch./ Central Africa / 

State Counsel 






Nkomu Mabaso worked as a Prosecutor in the districts of Lulekani, Giyani and Hlanganani in South Africa from 1998. He was admitted as an Advocate of the High Court of South Africa in 2002. He then joined the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for the Transkei Division as a State Advocate. In 2004, he joined the Directorate of Special Operations in the Eastern Cape as a Senior State Advocate. The Directorate investigates and prosecutes serious and complicated matters in the country. He then joined the Office of the Head and the National Director of Prosecuting Authority of South Africa in Pretoria. He worked in this office until he resigned and started his own private practice as an Advocate. He is practising from Oxford chambers in Sandton, South Africa. He specialises in Civil Law, Criminal Law and Labour Law. He appears in High Court, Supreme Court of Appeal, Constitutional Court of South Africa and the International Criminal Court, The Netherlands. He has 26 years of experience in the court room as Prosecutor and Counsel. In 2021 he was appointed as an examiner of the Criminal Procedure for Advocates Admission Examinations by the Legal Practice Council, the body that regulates Legal Practitioners in South Africa. He is a member of the Legal Practice Council, South African Bar Association, African Bar Association, Commonwealth Lawyers Association and International Criminal Court Bar Association. All as a full member.



Idenyemih Stella Omiyi is a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria being called to the Nigerian Bar in 1971 after obtaining LLB and Masters Degrees University of London 1965-1970. Between 1971 and 2005 she worked at the Federal Ministry of Justice of Nigeria being appointed inter alia as Director of International and Comparative Law Department and Director of Public Prosecutions of the Federation She participated in the discussions and negotiation process which led up to the Rome Statue. In 2003 she was a Nigerian delegation at the UN meeting on the election of ICC judges. A member of the Nigerian Legal team appointed: by the Government to prosecute the case concerning THE LAND AND `MARITIME BOUNDARY DISPUTE: NIGERIA VS CAMEROON before the International Court of JUSTICE at The Hague She is now an expert in international boundary disputes. She also runs an NGO focusing on women and children issues. She was elected Vice President of the International Criminal Bar in 2015. She is admitted to the International Criminal Court List of Counsel in 2011 and a founding member of the ICCBA and has been elected member of the Membership Committee in 2016 to 2017. Defence & Victims Committee 2021.  She got a letter of Commendation from the President and his Executive Council Members for a job well done. She was also elected a member of the Professional Standards Advisory Committee in 2022.



Ana Tuiketei is a listed Counsel for the ICC and is a member of the Defense and Membership Committee- a first for the Oceania.   She is also the only female Pacific Islander listed as an Arbitrator with the Court of Arbitration for Sport. She is admitted to the Tongan and Fijian Bar. She is the Deputy Director of the Institute of Small and Micro States based in the UK. She is a fellow with the Forum for International Conciliation & Arbitration.  She is the only Fijian female accredited World Rugby Judicial Officer and is one of only two pacific women that are Oceania Judicial Officer. She is the only Oceania International Rugby League Independent Judicial Chair. She is also listed as an Arbitrator with International Mixed Martial Arts Federation. She is also an Arbitrator in the Fiji Employment Arbitration Court (High Court).   In 2017 she was awarded the Medal of the Order of Fiji by the   President of Fiji  for her national contribution. She is a Heart Ambassador for the internationally recognized Sai Prema Foundation Fiji that is creating a world-class facility with the aim of providing the best possible surgery and free treatment to the children of the Pacific.

Comité des Victimes​​


Achille, an independent counsel, leads an international accountability effort assisting victims of international crime in Ukraine. He takes action before the ICC and several international (and national) tribunals in the field of ICL, IHL, PIL, and fundamental rights in representation of victims, communities, public institutions, and NGOs. Achille regularly visits and works in conflict zones with his team to meet groups of victims and other stakeholders.



Haydee Dijkstal is a UK barrister and US attorney with over nearly 15 years experience practicing international criminal and human rights law before international tribunals including the ICC. She currently serves as the ICCBA Victims Committee’s Chair, as well as on the Working Groups on Victims Representation in Early Stages of Proceedings and the Working Group on Duty of Care. She has previously served multiple terms on the ICCBA’s Executive Council and was elected as Vice President for Victims. Haydee’s practice includes work before the ICC, ICTY, SCSL, African Commission and Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights and various UN bodies.  Haydee has been a member of legal teams before the International Criminal Court since 2011 representing parties including the defence, victims and Governments. Haydee has extensive experience with victim representation before the ICC.  She is currently representing victims at the ICC in the Situation in Afghanistan and Situation in Ukraine. Additionally, she previously acted as co-counsel on the legal team for the Comoros Government and victims in the Registered Vessels situation; as a member of the legal team for Sudanese victims in the Banda Jerbo case; and as counsel for a number of Article 15 Communications on behalf of victims – including for victims from Syria and of flight PS752. Other instructions before the ICC include acting on the defence team for Abdullah Al-Senussi in the Libya Situation; and on the legal team for the Kenyan Government. In addition, she has been instructed as counsel for amicus curiae  submissions in Palestine situation and Ntaganda case.



J’ai prêté serment au Barreau du Senegal le 09 Mars 1990. Cette longue expérience m’ a permis de me familiariser avec les différents systèmes et instruments juridiques du monde. En plus de mon inscription sur la liste des conseils de la Cour, je suis également inscrit sur la liste des conseils du Tribunal Spécial pour le Liban et de la Cour Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples. Par ailleurs, je suis Membre du Conseil Exécutif de la Coalition Pour Une Cour Africaine.Et Président de la Section Sénégalaise d’Avocats-Sans Frontières. J’ai été Vice-Président de la Ligue Sénégalaise des Droits De L’Homme .Et représentant des conseils au Comité Consultatif de la Cour. J’ai en outre diriger une des équipes d’Avocats, devant les Chambres Africaines Extraordinaires. J’ai aussi été conseil de permanence à de multiples reprises, dans la situation de la Côte d’Ivoire et du Burundi. En plus d’avoir participé à pratiquement toutes les sessions de formation organisées par le Greffe à l’intention des conseils, j’ai également fait partie à deux reprises, de l’équipe des Experts Formateurs, aux Sessions tenues à Arusha et à la Haye, aux mois de Février et Juin 2016. Enfin, je fais présentement partie de l’équipe des RLV,dans l’affaire de la Centre-Afrique II.

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Megan Hirst is an Australian lawyer, practicing from the London bar. She has been working at and before the ICC since 2009, with a particular focus on victim participation. At the ICC she has undertaken victim representation in the Ongwen Case, the Bangladesh/Myanmar Situation and the Afghanistan Situation. From 2019 until 2022 she was International Lead Co-Lawyer for victims participating as civil parties in Case 002/02 at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. Megan was previously a legal officer in the Registries of the ICC and the STL, primarily working on victim participation. Megan has previously served three terms on the Executive Council (2019-2021, 2023-2024) and in 2019-2021 was also Vice President for Victims and a member of the Victims’ Committee.



Jessica Lescs est avocate au Barreau de Marseille (France). Elle défend depuis plus de dix ans des victimes de crimes internationaux, des demandeurs d’asile et réfugiés devant les juridictions et administrations nationales, régionales et internationales. Elle est actuellement particulièrement active dans la défense des familles de réfugiés afghans et des étrangers naufragés dans la Manche et la Méditerranée. Ancienne juriste de première classe auprès des Chambres préliminaires de la Cour pénale internationale sur la situation en République démocratique du Congo et au Darfour, elle a travaillé sur les premières décisions de la Cour relatives à la participation et à la réparation des victimes. Elle a également exercé en tant que Conseiller juridique des avocats d’Avocats sans frontières France devant les Chambres extraordinaires au sein des tribunaux cambodgiens (CETC) et au sein de la Division des affaires juridiques de l’Office Français de protection des réfugiés. Elle a siégé à la coalition française pour la Cour pénale internationale. Elle a enseigné pendant près de quinze ans le droit pénal international à l’Université, à SciencesPo Paris et à l’ENA, et a dirigé la formation des Conseils inscrits sur la liste de la CPI pendant trois années.



Kimberley Motley has been a litigator for 20 years, with a focus on international criminal law, human rights, and victim rights.  She is admitted lawyer in the ICC as Counsel, U.S. Supreme Court, Federal District Courts in Wisconsin, Colorado, and Oklahoma, the U.S. Appellate Courts in the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 9th, and 10th districts.  In 2008 she an international law practice in Afghanistan and became the first and only foreigner litigating in the criminal, civil, and commercial courts.  Her success has included securing a Presidential Pardon for an Afghan woman charged with adultery which subsequently decriminalized running away as a crime in Afghanistan, successfully working on international child abduction cases which resulted in the return of British and Australian children between the ages of 2 to 10, and representing the Prime Minister of Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim. Her work has been internationally reported and she has trained and/or mentored thousands of lawyers around the world on how to practice law in their respective jurisdictions.  Additionally, her work was profiled in an award-winning documentary entitled MOTLEY’s LAW.  She has written a book entitled LAWLESS, and her TED TALK  on:  How  Defend the Rule of Law has garnered over a 1.2 million views.

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Lawyer since 1995 in Rome, I specialized in national and international criminal law (TRAWAW Project on Violence against Women; TALE Project on children defence) and I followed several cases of violence crimes defending victims before Supreme High Court in Rome and ECHR. I teach Human Rights international law, international humanitarian law and law of armed conflicts, military law and law of war violations in international missions and national courses for Italian Red Cross, Italian Defence University and Academies and Civilian Victims of War Association in Rome. I’m military legal advisor at Italian Defence Ministry and member of: Sanremo International Institute of Humanitarian Law; Rome Bar Commission of Criminal Military Law; International Society of military law and law of war; ECBA – European Criminal Bar Association; ADGI /FIFCJ – International Federation of Women in Legal Careers and ICCBA – International Criminal Court Bar Association. I’m working on Defence Ministry project on International PKO Italian Criminal Code, in Women Peace Safety Res ONU 1325 Course Net of Sapienza University in Rome and in an international criminal law and judicial cooperation in international crimes by Italian Justice Ministry and National Centre for Prevention and Social Defence Foundation. 

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I am a British-Senegalese lawyer practicing at Doughty Street Chambers (London) since 2014. I specialise in international criminal law, human rights and refugee law. I have represented victims in the Bangladesh/Myanmar situation since 2020 (with Megan Hirst). In that role, I have collaborated with other LRVs, including Kate Gibson. Previously, I advised investigators and prosecutors in the Ukraine on the conduct of victim-oriented investigations and prosecutions of core international crimes. I supported male victims  in Colombia seeking accountability for CRSV before the Special Jurisdiction for Peace.  I have advised and represented victims of gross human rights abuses before UN mechanisms, regional human rights courts and courts in England and Wales. I have a particular interest in child rights and crimes against/affecting children, and co-authored Save the Children’s seminal research manual on the issue ‘Advancing accountability: innovations to strengthen accountability for violations and crimes affecting children in conflict’ (with Sareta Ashraph). If elected, I will support the Chair in ensuring that the interests and concerns of LRVs are duly represented before the Court; work to further develop and strengthen the relationships between LRVs; and support exchanges, discussions and learning within the Committee on key issues affecting LRVs.

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Anand A. Shah est un avocat américain et actuellement avocat associé au sein de l’équipe du représentant légal commun des victimes dans le procès d’Abd-Al-Rahman (« Ali Kushayb ») devant la CPI. Avant cela, il a aidé à la représentation des accusés dans les situations du Darfour, du Kenya et de la Libye devant la CPI, dans des affaires portées devant le TSL, et a agi en tant qu’avocat devant le Conseil de discipline de la CPI. Il est l’actuel vice-président de l’ICCBA pour les victimes et a déjà siégé au Conseil exécutif, ainsi qu’aux comités suivants : Victimes, Normes professionnelles, Amicus, Conseil juridique et Personnel de soutien aux avocats. Il a également joué un rôle de premier plan au sein des groupes de travail de l’ICCBA traitant des questions d’aide juridique, de fiscalité et de harcèlement au travail.



Lady Gifty Tetteh is a barrister and the Head of Chambers at Chambers of GD Tetteh-UK, she is a member of the Honorable Society of the Middle Temple and the first black woman to set up her Chambers in the Middle Temple. She is also a Solicitor and Barrister of the Supreme Court of Ghana, and the CEO of Rehoboth Chambers’ (Tetteh and Tetteh Advocates)-Ghana. She holds a law degree LLB (Hons) from the London Guildhall University, a postgraduate certificate from the University of West of England –UWE and a Master of Laws Degree in Oil and Gas (LLM) from the Robert Gordon University – Aberdeen. She is (among other areas of law) a criminal barrister. She has handled cases of rape, murder and attempted murder. Lady Tetteh is a listed Counsel/Advocate at the International Criminal Court – The Hague. She regularly participates and speaks at workshops across the UK on trafficking & safeguarding children. She is a registered pupillage supervisor in England and Wales. She is a girl child mentor with the Menfyd foundation. She is a trustee and a Board member both in the UK and Africa. She is the founder and President of the Africa Women in Energy-AWIE and the Africa Women in Farming. She serves as a Patron of the Kaybobo Girls School (Ghana Education Project).



Ana Tuiketei is a listed Counsel for the ICC and is a member of the Defense and Membership Committee- a first for the Oceania.   She is also the only female Pacific Islander listed as an Arbitrator with the Court of Arbitration for Sport. She is admitted to the Tongan and Fijian Bar. She is the Deputy Director of the Institute of Small and Micro States based in the UK. She is a fellow with the Forum for International Conciliation & Arbitration.  She is the only Fijian female accredited World Rugby Judicial Officer and is one of only two pacific women that are Oceania Judicial Officer. She is the only Oceania International Rugby League Independent Judicial Chair. She is also listed as an Arbitrator with International Mixed Martial Arts Federation. She is also an Arbitrator in the Fiji Employment Arbitration Court (High Court).   In 2017 she was awarded the Medal of the Order of Fiji by the   President of Fiji  for her national contribution. She is a Heart Ambassador for the internationally recognized Sai Prema Foundation Fiji that is creating a world-class facility with the aim of providing the best possible surgery and free treatment to the children of the Pacific.



Born in France, Sarah VALDURIEZ grew up in the United States. She is bilingual. Attorney since 2009, located in Paris and then in Versailles (France), she defends her clients before national and international courts. Her experience in criminal law has led her to represent both victims and defendants, particularly in cases of terrorism and organized crime. She was a member of the Executive Council (20222023), a member of the Defense Committee from 2021 to 2024 (3 terms,and a member of the defense team in the SAID case before the ICC between 2022 and 2024.

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Founder, October 7 Justice Without Borders (Ltd),

Founding Director, International Criminal and Humanitarian Law Clinic at Harry Radzyner Law School, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya

Yael Vias Gvirsman is a leading expert in international criminal law (ICL) and humanitarian law (IHL), with over two decades of experience. Her career spans roles as a prosecutor, defense attorney, victim representative, researcher and humanitarian in international and domestic courts, and on atrocities committed in Darfur, Rwanda, Sierra, the former Yugoslavia, Ukraine, and more. Her main research interests are on the role of international courts in conflict situations and the use and design of advanced technology and human rights. She teaches ICL, IHL, IHRL, BHR and TJ in universities in Israel and abroad. Athe Founding Director of the International Criminal and Humanitarian Law Clinic, Yael has led projects with the ICRC, NATO, international organizations, civil society, lawyers implementing international law in peacetime, emergencies and armed conflict.  She co-established an international IHL clinic exchange program with Emory, Leiden and Toma Tre Universities and cooperation programs with the Hwneva Academy.Since the October 7 Hamas attacks, Yael has turned her expertise towards addressing atrocities in Israel, spearheading a victim-centered legal response to ensure accountability. In response, Yael founded October 7 Justice Without Borders, an NGO dedicated to securing victim-centered justice for the atrocities committed on and since October 7, 2023 Hamas attacks. The organization focuses on direct representation of victims in criminal and civil proceedings at the ICC, Germany, France and more. It also collects and preserves evidence, and advocating for accountability. Yael’s leadership is instrumental in ensuring that victims' voices are heard and justice is pursued globally. She continues to advise on critical war crimes cases and human rights violations, leveraging her extensive expertise and dedication to international justice.

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Regina is a human rights barrister based in Tasmania, Australia, where her domestic civil practice as counsel principally relates to historical sexual and serious physical institutional abuse of minors and other vulnerable persons. From 2007 to 2016, Regina was an ICC prosecution lawyer in the formative years of the Court, where she worked on cases emanating from Kenya and the Democratic Republic of the Congo amongst others. She prosecuted war crimes and crimes against humanity including sexual and gender-based violence in the context of large-scale atrocities, worked in situ with victims and witnesses of SGBV and has appeared as prosecution counsel before the Pre-Trial and Trial Chambers of the ICC. Prior to her call to the Bar, Regina held senior legal positions in the Australian Federal Government. Regina is also Chair of the Australian Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Committee in Tasmania and an advisory board member of the Hague Justice Portal.

Comité du personnel d’appui aux Conseils

SABRINE BAYSSAT (Associate Member)

Sabrine is qualified as a lawyer in France. She has been working as a case manager and legal assistant for the Yekatom Defence team (CAR) since 2019. She studied international law and transitional law at Aix-Marseille University and at the University of La Sapienza in Rome. She worked as a legal trainee for a Human Rights NGO in Beirut and subsequently interned at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (Appeals Chamber and Presidency) and at the International Criminal Court with the Defence for Mr Blé Goudé (CIV). 

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EVA KALB (Associate Member)

Eva Kalb is a French and Dutch jurist in international criminal law who has been a part of Mr. Abd-Al-Rahman’s Defence team at the ICC since November 2021. Prior to being a Legal Assistant in the Abd-Al-Rahman Defence, she started her international career as an intern in the Defence team of Mr. Patrice-Édouard Ngaïssona. Eva holds an LLM in International and Transnational Criminal Law from the University of Amsterdam (Cum Laude) as well as two Masters respectively in International and European Law as well as French and English Law both from the Université Paris X Nanterre. She also holds an LLB from the University of Essex in French and English law, obtained with First Class Honours. Eva’s domestic experience in France includes working alongside a criminal lawyer in Paris (Cabinet 7bac) and with investigative judges at the Tribunal Judiciaire of Nanterre (France). She speaks English, French and Spanish fluently.

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DENYS KESHKENTII (Affiliate Member)

Ukrainian advocate. Experience at international law 27 years. Graduated Odesa Maritime Academy, Master’s degree at international transport law. And second highest education at Odesa Law Academy,  Ukraine. Master of State Administration degree. Past graduated education: Western Reserve University, USA; University of London & UCL School of Management, UK; Leiden University, Netherlands; The USAID justice for all activity and the congressional office for international leadership, USA; Lund University, Swedish. University of Geneva, Switzerland.


Worked at Barrister Bureau of Denys Keshkentiy (Advocate License 03/02/2009). The most important criminal case was from 2009 to 2013. I was a lawyer for a gangster leader. Client was extradited in 2000 from Hungary. In total, 28 people were accused. 22 survived until the end of the trial. They blew up the deputy prosecutor general's car and escaped from prison. Four Courts refused to consider the charge with the whole composition; therefore, the gang was tried in another region. In total, during the pre-trial investigation, the group members sat in prison for more than 14 years without a decision on guilt. Before had experience in London Camber of International Arbitration as arbiter. First in the world start using internet online court procedure and crypto-sign legal documents. Attorney  Ministry of Infrastructure and Communications of Ukraine, Ukrainian Commercial Fleet. Non-Government Security Company – lawyer, security officer.


Involved at public and government service: International Criminal Court Bar Association - associated member. Ukrainian Maritime Bar Association (UMBA) – vice-president. Trade Union of Ukrainians Lawyers – chairman. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Ministry of Transport of Ukraine, Customs of Ukraine, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine – a member of the Public Council



Florent Pages-Granier has been working as Legal Consultant for the Yekatom Defence Team since 2019. He graduated from the Ecole de Formation des Avocats Centre Sud (EFACS) at the end of 2018, as part of this formation he worked as a trainee lawyer in law firms in France, as well as conducted a six months internship in the Merhi Defence Team at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. His law course was completed at the Law Faculty of the University of Montpellier, in which he completed a Master 1 Droit Pénal et Sciences Criminelles, as well as a Master 2 Droit des Contentieux. 


DR. ABBAS POORHASHEMI (Affiliate Member)

Dr. Poorhashemi est un expert reconnu devant la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI), où il fournit une expertise spécialisée en droit pénal international, droit international de l’environnement, droit international des droits de l'homme et droit humanitaire international. Il est également Président de l'Institut Canadien pour l'Expertise en Droit International (CIFILE), un poste qui s'aligne avec sa carrière distinguée dans le domaine du droit international public. Dr. Poorhashemi possède une vaste expérience en tant qu’universitaire, praticien et enseignant, notamment dans le droit pénal international et le droit de l’environnement, avec de nombreuses publications à son actif. Il occupe également le poste de rédacteur en chef du Journal de Droit International de CIFILE (CJIL), reflétant son engagement à promouvoir la recherche juridique. Il a obtenu son doctorat en droit international à l'Université de Strasbourg en 2005, suivi d’une bourse postdoctorale en Droit International et Mondialisation à l'Université UQAM, au Canada, en 2013. Il a été professeur assistant à l'Université des Sciences et de la Recherche (IAU) pendant plus de dix ans, où il a enseigné le droit international, l’arbitrage et le règlement des différends internationaux. Ses activités juridiques s'étendent à plusieurs juridictions, où il a occupé divers postes de conseiller juridique, avocat et expert, contribuant ainsi au développement du droit international à l’échelle mondiale.

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HÉLÈNE RAÏS (Affiliate Member)

My name is Hélène Raïs and I am a Swiss jurist, currently member of the ICCBA Working Group on AI. If I have originally studied criminal and international law at the university of Lausanne in Switzerland, I have recently developed an expertise in Artificial Intelligence through the course of my career in a technology company based in Rotterdam. The use of AI in legal proceedings has considerably increased throughout the years, which undoubtedly started to raise essential concerns among practitioners. Aside from the ethical considerations and the compliance with Data Protection Regulations related to the use of AI, how can a human based science be left at the mercy of a non-human analyst? Moreover, how can one ensure that certain nuances and subtleties are considered in circumstances which may sometimes depend on one's creativity? Will this new technology lessen the defendants/victims' trust in the legal system? The necessity for legal practitioners to extend their knowledge beyond their practice area has led me to examine the possibility to create a bridge between law and AI. It is therefore with great motivation that I wish to join the Council Support Staff Committee and help addressing key topics for the Staff’s interests.


KELSEY RYAN (Associate Member)



BARBARA SZMATULA (Associate Member)

Barbara Szmatula is a French jurist working at the International Criminal Court (ICC). She has been working as a Case Manager in the Defence team for Mr Patrice-Edouard Ngaïssona before the ICC since January 2020. Barbara studied international law at Panthéon-Assas Paris II and University of Warsaw for a semester, as well as history of art at Université Sorbonne Paris-IV. After obtaining her Masters of International Public Law in Paris, she joined the Defence team of Mr Charles Blé-Goudé before the ICC and worked on various projects related to international law and international politics. She was also an intern for jus Mundi, a legal-tech company dedicated to international law. Barbara speaks French, English, Polish and is currently learning Dutch.


DR. DENAKPON TCHOBO (Associate Member)

Dr. Denakpon Tchobo originally from Benin, West Africa, is an US international criminal lawyer admitted to the list of Assistants to Counsel at the International Criminal Court. Dr. Tchobo is the Co-founder and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Global Justice Intelligence Eyes, Inc. (GJIE), an NGO located in the USA fighting for victims of international crimes all over the world. As an Adjunct professor of Law at Case Western Reserve University School Law in USA where he obtained his Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) in international criminal law with Honors, as well as his LL.M. in US & Global Legal Studies with a concentration in international criminal law, he extensively published several articles in the field of international criminal law and authored two books: Human Rights in International Criminal Law: Article 53 Should be the Voice of Victims under the Rome Statute of ICC, and Genocide: The Darkness of International Criminal Law. He also is the author of the proposed Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Groupicide. Dr. Tchobo, committed to protect human dignity, has started fighting for victims’ rights since 2010 with Amnesty International in Benin where he worked after his internship as a volunteer, activist, and local coordinator of human rights defenders from September 2010 to April 2014.  Denakpon speaks English and French and is currently improving his basic Spanish language.

Comité Consultatif des Normes Professionnelles​​


J’ai prêté serment au Barreau du Senegal le 09 Mars 1990. Cette longue expérience m’ a permis de me familiariser avec les différents systèmes et instruments juridiques du monde. En plus de mon inscription sur la liste des conseils de la Cour, je suis également inscrit sur la liste des conseils du Tribunal Spécial pour le Liban et de la Cour Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples. Par ailleurs, je suis Membre du Conseil Exécutif de la Coalition Pour Une Cour Africaine.Et Président de la Section Sénégalaise d’Avocats-Sans Frontières. J’ai été Vice-Président de la Ligue Sénégalaise des Droits De L’Homme .Et représentant des conseils au Comité Consultatif de la Cour. J’ai en outre diriger une des équipes d’Avocats, devant les Chambres Africaines Extraordinaires. J’ai aussi été conseil de permanence à de multiples reprises, dans la situation de la Côte d’Ivoire et du Burundi. En plus d’avoir participé à pratiquement toutes les sessions de formation organisées par le Greffe à l’intention des conseils, j’ai également fait partie à deux reprises, de l’équipe des Experts Formateurs, aux Sessions tenues à Arusha et à la Haye, aux mois de Février et Juin 2016. Enfin, je fais présentement partie de l’équipe des RLV,dans l’affaire de la Centre-Afrique II.



Elisabetta is an Italian Criminal Lawyer with almost thirty years of experience as Defence Counsel and Counsel for Victims before National Tribunals and Higher Courts. She was admitted to the List of Counsel of the International Criminal Court in 2012. For decades she has been practicing as Lead Counsel in serious crime cases (Criminal Law and Procedure, Civil Law and Procedure, Italian Juvenile System of Courts, Immigration Law, Domestic and International Law, UE Criminal Law, Computer and Cyber Crimes, Sexual Crimes). She is also HR defender. Elisabetta has been involved in national and international associations of Counsel, and actively has promoted the establishing of the ICCBA. In 2016 She was appointed as member of EU and International Criminal Law drafting Commission at the Italian Ministry of Justice. Currently, she is member of the International Committee of the Bar of Bologna with task for liaising with the ICC. As an expert in International Criminal Law and Justice, she is trainer in many compulsory training programs for Lawyers and her articles are published on these topics. Past chair of the ICCBA Membership Committee, Elisabetta has also served as member of the Executive Council and elected member of the ICCBA Victims Committee.



Mr. Dragan Ivetić received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Northwestern University in 1996 and went on to the University of Illinois College of Law where he received a J.D. in 1999. He is licensed to practice law before the Courts of Illinois, up to the Supreme Court; the US Federal Court of the Illinois Northern District; the International Criminal Court; the ICTY (which has now become the Residual Mechanism); the International Criminal Court; and previously practiced before the State Court of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Domestically Mr. Ivetić practiced in Chicago as an Associate at McBreen & Kopko, then as a Member and Partner of Ostojic and Scudder LLC.   Mr. Ivetić is now the Managing Member of the Illinois Law Firm of “Dragan Ivetić, Attorney at Law LLC”, and additionally as an individual practitioner is part of Kansas-based Warrior Lawyers International. Mr. Ivetić is currently President of the ADC-ICT Bar Association as well as a member of its Training Committee.  The ADC-ICT is the recognized Bar Association of the United Nations IRMCT (“Residual Mechanism” – Previously UN ICTY) in The Hague and gives advocacy and regional training.​​

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Chilean Lawyer, with 30 years of experience, Professor of Economic Criminal Law, Litigation, Cybercrimes, Data Protection and Privacy in Criminal Proceedings, and International Criminal Law in Universidad Catolica de Chile (LLM) and Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso (Chile). Lecturer and Speaker in different Congress and Doctoral and Magister Programs in Chile, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Spain, etc. Litigator, LLM (California Western School of Law, San Diego, USA, 2016); Specialist in Economic and Corporates Criminal Law (Universidad Castilla – La Mancha, Spain, 2011); Advanced Diploma in International Criminal Law and before the International Courts (The Syracuse Institute, Italy, 2018); Legal Advisor for Senate and Deputies Chamber in Chile. Former President of Valparaiso Bar Association (many periods), Chile. Full member of ICCBA, and Counsel before ICC – CPI (admitted in 2018), Member of AFBA, Member of Privacy Rules International.​


LYMA NGUYEN - Lyma Nguyen is an Australian barrister with an international practice in criminal law, human rights and statelessness. She is counsel before the International Criminal Court (2018) and has served on the ICCBA Legal Advisory Committee (2022) and Amicus Committee (2023). In 2020, Lyma won the 40 Under 40 Most Influential Asian Australians Leadership Awards. In 2014, she was one of 45 “Trailblazing Women Australian Lawyers” whose oral history is archived in Australia’s National Library.  Her pro bono work as International Civil Party Counsel at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, where she represented the ethnic Vietnamese minority victims in the tribunal’s historic genocide case was also recognised through the Prime Minister’s Executive Endeavour Award (2013) and a Churchill Fellowship (2014). Lyma is the inaugural President of the Asian Australian Lawyers Association, NT Branch, and an Advisor to the United Nations Association Australia, NT Division. She served as a Law and Justice Civilian Expert on the Australian Civilian Corps (2012) and Director on the Board of Australian Volunteers International (2014 to 2023). Lyma edited the College of Law NT Practice Papers on Professional Conduct and Discipline; The Lawyer and Client Relationship; A Lawyer's Relationship with the Court and A Lawyer's Relationship with the Public (2016).

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A veteran lawyer with 20 years of experience, holding a master's degree in public law (LL.M.) from Tel-Aviv University (Magna Cum Laude). Currently serving as vice-chair of the Professional Standards Committee. For several years he served as a teaching assistant for penal law, evidence law and criminal procedure in several law faculties in Israel; and published several academic articles in the field of criminal law which were cited by the Israeli Supreme Court. He also published a theoretical book (in Hebrew) titled: "Transitional Justice: The Implications of the Shin Bet Affair on Israeli Society". As a criminal defense attorney, he served as lead counsel in one of the largest criminal organization cases in Israel (the Asi Abutbul case) after the former lead defense attorney (Yoram Hachacham) was murdered in the middle of the trial. In the field of professional responsibility, he currently serves as a judge at the District Disciplinary Tribunal of the Tel-Aviv Bar Association. Before that, he served as a disciplinary prosecutor for several years and after that as a disciplinary defense attorney. He also served as arbitrator on behalf of the Ethics Committee in fee disputes; as well as representing private clients in civil litigation regarding legal malpractice and fee disputes.



Lady Gifty Tetteh is a barrister and the Head of Chambers at Chambers of GD Tetteh-UK, she is a member of the Honorable Society of the Middle Temple and the first black woman to set up her Chambers in the Middle Temple. She is also a Solicitor and Barrister of the Supreme Court of Ghana, and the CEO of Rehoboth Chambers’ (Tetteh and Tetteh Advocates)-Ghana. She holds a law degree LLB (Hons) from the London Guildhall University, a postgraduate certificate from the University of West of England –UWE and a Master of Laws Degree in Oil and Gas (LLM) from the Robert Gordon University – Aberdeen. She is (among other areas of law) a criminal barrister. She has handled cases of rape, murder and attempted murder. Lady Tetteh is a listed Counsel/Advocate at the International Criminal Court – The Hague. She regularly participates and speaks at workshops across the UK on trafficking & safeguarding children. She is a registered pupillage supervisor in England and Wales. She is a girl child mentor with the Menfyd foundation. She is a trustee and a Board member both in the UK and Africa. She is the founder and President of the Africa Women in Energy-AWIE and the Africa Women in Farming. She serves as a Patron of the Kaybobo Girls School (Ghana Education Project).

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Victor Tsilonis is the managing partner of NEWLAW and a highly regarded nominee for the 2020 ICC judicial elections, praised by the independent Advisory Committee on the Nominations of Judges. As a distinguished member of the International Criminal Court Bar Association (ICCBA), Dr Tsilonis has twice served as ICCBA Vice-President (2019-2020 & 2021-2022), held a position on the Executive Council (2022-2023), and chaired the Professional Standards Advisory Committee (2019-2020 & 2023-2024). He has played a pivotal role in the ICC Disciplinary Organs, contributing to 27% of published decisions. Dr Tsilonis has also shared his expertise as an adjunct lecturer at the Hellenic Open University (2022-2024). His seminal publication, The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (Springer, 2nd edition, 2024), addresses critical issues such as AI, cyber warfare, and ecocide. In recognition of his contributions to the legal discourse on ecocide and the ICC, Dr Tsilonis has been officially informed that he will receive the 2024 International Science Prize of the Hans Günter Brauch Foundation for Peace and Ecology in the Anthropocene in October 2024.

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Ingo Klaus Wamser is the principal of a German law firm specialized in international and transnational criminal law since 2005. He served as a voluntary board member of the Munich Bar from 2013 to 2015. In 2015 he was appointed as a disciplinary judge for counsel’s misconduct cases by the Bavarian Ministry of Justice and was re-appointed in 2020. Ingo is a founding member of the ICCBA and the KSC-IRB and served in different positions on various committees, i.a. as Chairperson of the ICCBA Membership Committee for three terms. He was appointed as Alternate Commissioner of the ICC in 2019. He is author of a commentary and a handbook for professional standards and disciplinary procedures for counsel and lecturer for international law at an Austrian state university.

Comité des avis juridiques​​​

GIOVANNI CHIARINI (Associate Member)

Giovanni Chiarini (PhD) is an Assistant Professor at Alfaisal University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where he teaches international criminal law and the law of armed conflict. He recently published the book "The Evolution of International Criminal Procedure" (Routledge, 2024). Chiarini is also an International Fellow at the National Institute of Military Justice in Washington DC, a criminal defense attorney, and a Senior Associate at MEPLAW. He is admitted to the ICC list of assistants-to-counsel, and he has carried out legal consultancy for UNAKRT. He previously taught at Huddersfield University and the Royal Academy of Police in Bahrain. He has been a Scholar-in-Residence at Texas Tech University and a Visiting Professor at Mississippi College School of Law. He was also a visiting researcher at the following universities: Institute of International Peace and Security Law, Universität zu Köln; Centre for Criminal Justice, University College Cork; Université Côte d'Azur; Centre for Global Law, University of Edinburgh; Centre for Critical Legal Studies, Warwick University. His publications ( have been awarded the Gold Medal for best article by the Cork Law Review (Arthur Cox Prize), best PhD publication by the American Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, and best article by the Center for Studies in International Affairs.



Ibrahima Hamidou Deme a entamé sa carrière judiciaire en 1998 et a exercé les fonctions de procureur pendant 13 ans dans des juridictions d’instance et d’appel au Sénégal. Il a ainsi été procureur aux chambres criminelles de la Cour d’appel de Dakar, jugeant en appel les crimes les plus graves, impliquant notamment les affaires d’homicides et de violences aggravées. Dans sa carrière de magistrat, il a aussi été associé à la rédaction de beaucoup de textes juridiques, notamment le code des obligations déontologiques des magistrats sénégalais. En outre, il a été membre élu du Conseil Supérieur de la magistrature, instance chargée de la gestion de la carrière et de la discipline des magistrats sénégalais. Après sa démission de la magistrature en 2018, il a poursuivi ses activités d’enseignement en droits de l’Homme et droit de l’enfant entamées en 2013 à l’université de Dakar qu’il exerce parallèlement avec celles d’expert-consultant en droits de l’Homme et de l’enfant et réformes judiciaires auprès des organisations des Nations unies. Il est aussi avocat à la Cour Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples. Titulaire d’une maîtrise en droit public à l’Université Gaston Berger de Saint Louis et d’un master en droits de l’Homme et en droit humanitaire à l’Université de Dakar, il est aussi l’auteur de plusieurs publications sur la procédure pénale, sur la réforme de la justice et la protection judiciaire de l’enfant.


MARK DIAMOND (Full Member)

Mark Diamond is a criminal defense attorney in private practice in New York.  He represents clients in federal appellate courts throughout the country as well as the U.S. Supreme Court.  He has served as a neutral arbitrator for the American Arbitration Association and International Centre for Dispute Resolution since 1992.  He was an advisor to Amnesty International in its work to help formulate the Rome Statute and promote the formation of the ICC and has been list counsel since 2006.  He worked for many years as advisor to the American Bar Association Central and East European Initiative and is currently a member of the New York State Bar Association Committee on Courts of Appellate Jurisdiction as well as the editor of its magazine, “Leaveworthy.”  He is grateful for the opportunity to serve the ICCBA and its members.

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Astrid Odete Escobedo Barrondo est une avocate guatémaltèque de renom qui vit actuellement en exil. Elle est titulaire d'un doctorat en études avancées des droits de l'homme de l'Université Carlos III de Madrid, de deux maîtrises en droit international des droits de l'homme et en droits fondamentaux de la même université, ainsi que d'une maîtrise en droit pénal international de l'Université de Grenade. Sa carrière juridique a débuté par un diplôme en droit de l'Université de San Carlos du Guatemala, complété par de nombreux cours diplômants internationaux.

L'expertise d'Astrid Odete Escobedo comprend le contentieux des affaires de droits de l'homme au sein du système interaméricain des droits de l'homme. Elle a également travaillé comme juriste pour la Commission internationale contre l'impunité au Guatemala, traitant des affaires à fort impact impliquant la corruption, le crime organisé et le trafic de drogue. Depuis juillet 2023, elle est reconnue comme la première avocate d'Amérique centrale inscrite sur la liste des avocats de la Cour pénale internationale. De plus, elle a accumulé de l'expérience dans les services sociaux, l'organisation communautaire et syndicale aux États-Unis.

Escobedo est membre actif du Barreau guatémaltèque depuis 2001 et est affiliée à plusieurs réseaux et associations internationales dédiés à la lutte contre la corruption, aux droits de l'homme et à la gouvernance environnementale, renforçant ainsi sa position de figure de proue du droit international

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Chilean Lawyer, with 30 years of experience, Professor of Economic Criminal Law, Litigation, Cybercrimes, Data Protection and Privacy in Criminal Proceedings, and International Criminal Law in Universidad Catolica de Chile (LLM) and Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso (Chile). Lecturer and Speaker in different Congress and Doctoral and Magister Programs in Chile, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Spain, etc. Litigator, LLM (California Western School of Law, San Diego, USA, 2016); Specialist in Economic and Corporates Criminal Law (Universidad Castilla – La Mancha, Spain, 2011); Advanced Diploma in International Criminal Law and before the International Courts (The Syracuse Institute, Italy, 2018); Legal Advisor for Senate and Deputies Chamber in Chile. Former President of Valparaiso Bar Association (many periods), Chile. Full member of ICCBA, and Counsel before ICC – CPI (admitted in 2018), Member of AFBA, Member of Privacy Rules International.​


AUDREY MATEO (Associate Member)

Audrey MATEO est actuellement conseillère juridique dans l'équipe de défense de M. Abd-Al-Rahman à la CPI. Elle a également été un membre actif du Comité exécutif de l'ICCBA (2023-2024). En 1997, elle a terminé ses études de droit à Aix en Provence et à Montpellier, en France. Elle a ensuite étudié au Cap, en Afrique du Sud, où elle a obtenu un LL.M. en droits de l'homme et en droit international à l'Université du Western Cape ( UWC). Au début de sa carrière, à la Commission européenne à Bruxelles, elle a travaillé dans la task-force sur l'avenir de l'Union européenne. Elle a ensuite travaillé comme juriste pendant 10 ans aux chambres du TPIY et à la CPI dans le cadre du procès du Katanga. Elle a vécu deux ans au Cambodge où elle a travaillé comme consultante juridique et bénévole pour des ONG de défense des droits de l'homme et a soutenu les avocats des victimes devant les CETC. Elle a également été consultante au KSC-SPO. Depuis 2021, Audrey travaille comme juge du HCR à la Cour nationale du droit d'asile à Paris, et elle donne également des formations en tant que consultante sur la prévention du harcèlement sexuel au travail. Elle est également un membre actif de l'Association des Magistrats Internationaux Francophones (AMIF).

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James Onalaja est un avocat pénaliste anglais avec plus de 19 ans d'expérience, exerçant au 187 Chambers de Londres. Il a entrepris des études de troisième cycle en ICL à la Columbia Law School et a obtenu une maîtrise en droit en ICL (Cum Laude) de l'Université d'Amsterdam. Sa pratique se concentre sur : les crimes graves, complexes et violents, y compris les questions présentant des complexités en droit transnational et international ; les cours martiales militaires et ; cas impliquant des violations présumées des droits de l’homme. Il est inscrit sur les listes des conseils de la CPI et des Chambres spécialisées du Kosovo. Il a récemment terminé un poste au sein du Bureau du conseil public pour la défense (OPCD) de la CPI, où il l'a aidé dans ses fonctions de représentation, de protection et de promotion des intérêts de la défense et des suspects non représentés. Ici, il a dirigé l’élaboration du programme de formation en plaidoyer de l’OPCD pour les jeunes avocats et la prestation des sessions de formation inaugurales. Il est tuteur en plaidoyer auprès d'avocats stagiaires en Angleterre et possède de l'expérience dans la fourniture de formations de développement professionnel continu aux professionnels du droit. Il assure l'observation des procès internationaux et fait rapport sur le respect du DIDH au nom d'EuroMed Droits. Il a assisté l'équipe de défense dans le dossier 004 devant les CETC. Il a également travaillé avec les membres du Comité des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies pour les préparer à leur 122e session et aux dialogues oraux périodiques avec les États sur le respect du Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques. Il a siégé au comité Amicus pendant trois mandats. En tant que président du Comité, il a dirigé l'intervention du Comité sur l'examen par des experts indépendants et la proposition du SGG visant à modifier le Statut et/ou le Règlement de la CPI afin de permettre le remplacement des juges dans les procès de la CPI si un juge n'est plus en mesure de continuer. James a précédemment siégé au comité de formation en 2020/21 et au comité consultatif juridique 2023/24. Il a hâte de continuer à servir l'ICCBA partout où cela sera nécessaire.

Comité de la formation​

JASON ANTLEY (Associate Member)

Jason Antley currently leads a project improving fair trials and defence lawyer capacity in Iraq and Kurdistan. He has worked on similar projects in Somaliland, Kosovo, Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom. Jason has worked in international tribunals since 2009, at the ICTY, the STL, and now as a consultant to the Yekatom Defence at the ICC. He is admitted to practice law in the US state of Georgia, and is a case management expert on the Justice Rapid Response roster. 

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Maître Kpana Emmanuel BAMBA est Avocat au Barreau de Guinée depuis 2003. Il est inscrit à la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) comme Conseil adjoint et sur la liste des avocats de la Cour Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples (CADHP).

En tant que Président de la Ligue Guinéenne des Droits de l’Homme (LIGUIDHO), il a assisté plusieurs prévenus et accusés et a representé nombre de parties civiles devant les juridictions pénales guinéennes.

En 2015, il est désigné comme représentant du Barreau auprès de l’Agence nationale de lutte contre la corruption et de promotion de la bonne gouvernance. À ce titre, il a participé a plusieurs missions d’évaluation de pays en matière de lutte contre la corruption conformément à la Convention des Nations Unies contre la corruption.

Me BAMBA est également Assistant à la Faculté des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques de l'Université Général Lansana Conté de Sonfonia-Conakry. Titulaire d’un Master en Droits de l'Homme et Droit Humanitaire de cette Université, il prépare actuellement sa thèse de doctorat sur la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE) minières à l'égard des communautés locales en droits guinéens et sénégalais, une étude prospective à la lumière des droits canadiens, français et de la RDC.

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Mélissa Beaulieu Lussier is a Legal Assistant in the Defence team of Mr Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz (Mali) at the ICC since September 2021. She was previously Legal Assistant and Legal consultant in the Defence team of Mr Bosco Ntaganda (DRC) at the ICC between 2014-2015 and 2019-2021. She has experience in every phase of a case at the ICC, from pre-trial to reparations. She has also practiced as a criminal defence attorney for 4 years in Montreal (Canada), particularly in cases of sexual violence. Mélissa was admitted to the Québec Bar in 2014 and obtained a LL.M. from McGill University.

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Dignité Bwiza Visser was nominated to serve on the Training Committee. Ms. Bwiza is a practising attorney at the Ituri Bar in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 2008 and at the Brussels Bar in Belgium* (List B of the French-speaking order). From 2015 to 2020, Bwiza served as an assistant to Counsel in the Defence teams at the International Criminal Court in cases against Bosco Ntaganda, Charles Blé Goudé, Bemba et al. (Article 70). Since 2020 to this day, Bwiza continued her active practice as a Legal Adviser under Rule 74, providing support to witnesses during interviews conducted by parties or during testimony before the ICC. She also participated as a trainer in ICCBA trainings. Ms. Bwiza actively engaged in advocacy initiatives aimed at improving the working conditions of Defence lawyers such as the provision of healthcare, paid sick leave, maternity leave, as well as the establishment of end-of-work notices, etc. Formerly the Africa Coordinator of the International Criminal Bar (BPI) and has lectured in international criminal law at the University of Tarragona (Spain). She is also the founder of Bwiza & Associates, a law firm specialised in environmental law. Bwiza has authored four books on the prosecution at both the national and international levels, of environmental crimes committed in the Democratic Republic of Congo by individuals, corporations, and/or states. I accepted the nomination to the Training Committee as I believe I can share my professional experience related to practice before the ICC to those who seek it, as well as contribute to the establishment of a platform that facilitates the sharing of experiences among members of the ICCBA. I express my gratitude  in advance for your trust.

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Forte de plus de vingt ans d’expérience devant les juridictions internationales, Maître Dimitri occupe aujourd’hui le poste de conseil principal pour Alfred Yekatom dans la Situation de la République Centrafricaine II devant la Cour pénale internationale. Elle a également été conseil associé pour M. Jean-Pierre Bemba (article 70). Devant le Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda (TPIR), elle a défendu le Dr Augustin Ngirabatware, ministre du Plan, en tant que conseil principal, à la fois lors du procès et des procédures d’appel. Elle a aussi occupé le rôle de co-conseil pour Arsène Shalom Ntahobali, fils de la ministre de la Condition féminine, Pauline Nyiramasuhuko, à travers les étapes du procès et de l’appel. Expérimentée dans la gestion des procès par contumace, elle a co-représenté les droits et intérêts de Mustafa Badreddine devant le Tribunal spécial pour le Liban jusqu’à la cessation des poursuites, période après laquelle elle est devenue consultante juridique pour M. Hassan Habib Merhi. Au Canada, elle a mené un procès sous juridiction universelle, défendant Désiré Munyaneza contre des accusations liées au génocide rwandais de 1994, devant la Cour Supérieure du Québec et la Cour d’appel du Québec. Reconnue pour son expertise, Maître Dimitri a donné de nombreuses conférences sur les enquêtes open source, les défis liés à la défense des suspects en période de guerre, et a offert une formation spécialisée à des avocats ukrainiens, soulignant son engagement envers l’éducation juridique et les droits humains internationaux. Elle a également fait partie d’un groupe d’experts invités par l’académie de Nuremberg sur la longueur des procédures devant la CPI.



Despoina Eleftheriou is a Greek lawyer, admitted to the Thessaloniki Bar. She studied law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Faculty of Law, followed by an LLM in International Studies from which she graduated with Honours. In November 2019 she graduated cum laude from the University of Amsterdam with an LLM in International Criminal Law (Joint program with Columbia University in the City of New York). In February 2020, she joined the Defence team for Mr Charles Blé Goudé before the International Criminal Court as a Case Manager. In September 2020, she joined the Defence team for Mr Patrice-Édouard Ngaïssona, and in April 2022 she became a Case Manager. Prior to her joining the Defence at the International Criminal Court, she worked as a trainee lawyer at L. Trampa and Associates, based in Thessaloniki (Greece), dealing mostly with civil, criminal and administrative law cases. She has also worked as a legal trainee at the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the Department for International Relations in Thessaloniki.

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Astrid Odete Escobedo Barrondo is a distinguished Guatemalan attorney currently living in exile. She holds a Ph.D. in Advanced Studies of Human Rights from the University Carlos III of Madrid, two Master's Degrees in International Human Rights Law and Fundamental Rights from the same university, and a Master’s in International Criminal Law from the University of Granada. Her legal career began with a law degree from the University of San Carlos of Guatemala, complemented by numerous international diploma courses. Escobedo's expertise includes litigating human rights cases within the Inter-American Human Rights System. She has also worked as a jurist for the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala, handling high-impact cases involving corruption, organized crime, and drug trafficking. Since July 2023, she has been recognized as the first Central American attorney on the counsel list before the International Criminal Court. Moreover, she has accumulated experience in social services, organizing community, and union within the United States. Escobedo has been an active member of the Guatemalan Bar Association since 2001 and is affiliated with several international networks and associations dedicated to anti-corruption, human rights, and environmental governance, further solidifying her position as a leading figure in international law.



Kimberley Motley has been a litigator for 20 years, with a focus on international criminal law, human rights, and victim rights.  She is admitted lawyer in the ICC as Counsel, U.S. Supreme Court, Federal District Courts in Wisconsin, Colorado, and Oklahoma, the U.S. Appellate Courts in the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 9th, and 10th districts.  In 2008 she an international law practice in Afghanistan and became the first and only foreigner litigating in the criminal, civil, and commercial courts.  Her success has included securing a Presidential Pardon for an Afghan woman charged with adultery which subsequently decriminalized running away as a crime in Afghanistan, successfully working on international child abduction cases which resulted in the return of British and Australian children between the ages of 2 to 10, and representing the Prime Minister of Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim. Her work has been internationally reported and she has trained and/or mentored thousands of lawyers around the world on how to practice law in their respective jurisdictions.  Additionally, her work was profiled in an award-winning documentary entitled MOTLEY’s LAW.  She has written a book entitled LAWLESS, and her TED TALK  on:  How  Defend the Rule of Law has garnered over a 1.2 million views.

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James Onalaja est un avocat pénaliste anglais avec plus de 19 ans d'expérience, exerçant au 187 Chambers de Londres. Il a entrepris des études de troisième cycle en ICL à la Columbia Law School et a obtenu une maîtrise en droit en ICL (Cum Laude) de l'Université d'Amsterdam. Sa pratique se concentre sur : les crimes graves, complexes et violents, y compris les questions présentant des complexités en droit transnational et international ; les cours martiales militaires et ; cas impliquant des violations présumées des droits de l’homme. Il est inscrit sur les listes des conseils de la CPI et des Chambres spécialisées du Kosovo. Il a récemment terminé un poste au sein du Bureau du conseil public pour la défense (OPCD) de la CPI, où il l'a aidé dans ses fonctions de représentation, de protection et de promotion des intérêts de la défense et des suspects non représentés. Ici, il a dirigé l’élaboration du programme de formation en plaidoyer de l’OPCD pour les jeunes avocats et la prestation des sessions de formation inaugurales. Il est tuteur en plaidoyer auprès d'avocats stagiaires en Angleterre et possède de l'expérience dans la fourniture de formations de développement professionnel continu aux professionnels du droit. Il assure l'observation des procès internationaux et fait rapport sur le respect du DIDH au nom d'EuroMed Droits. Il a assisté l'équipe de défense dans le dossier 004 devant les CETC. Il a également travaillé avec les membres du Comité des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies pour les préparer à leur 122e session et aux dialogues oraux périodiques avec les États sur le respect du Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques. Il a siégé au comité Amicus pendant trois mandats. En tant que président du Comité, il a dirigé l'intervention du Comité sur l'examen par des experts indépendants et la proposition du SGG visant à modifier le Statut et/ou le Règlement de la CPI afin de permettre le remplacement des juges dans les procès de la CPI si un juge n'est plus en mesure de continuer. James a précédemment siégé au comité de formation en 2020/21 et au comité consultatif juridique 2023/24. Il a hâte de continuer à servir l'ICCBA partout où cela sera nécessaire.


JAVIER RUIZ (Associate Member)

Javier A Ruiz (Argentina) is an international human rights lawyer and researcher in Public International Law and International Criminal Law, based in The Hague. Lawyer (University of Mar del Plata, Argentina). And Associate Professor at the University of Mar del Plata, where he teaches International Criminal Jurisdiction and Human Rights. Specialist in Public International Law at TMC Asser Institute and Groningen University. Expert in International Law of Human Rights at Roosevelt Academy, Middelburg and Utrecht University. (Pg) International Law of Human Rights, University of Barcelona. Specialist in Conflicts. Legal Expert in International Criminal Law and Comparative International Law (TMC Asser Institute). Diploma in the Program for Advanced Studies in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, at American University, Washington College of Law (USA). Expert in Rights of Victims ( University of Oxford) Lecturer of the Universities in Chile, Brazil, United States, Italy and China. Member of the Centre for International Law and Regional Integration (CIDIIR) at the University of Mar del Plata, Faculty of Law (Argentina) . Member of the “ICCBA Ecocide Working Group”, focusing in the “Victims of International Environmental Crimes”. He has experience in academic cooperation and/or management of academic agreements with universities and academic institutions.


BARBARA SZMATULA (Associate Member)

Barbara Szmatula is a French jurist working at the International Criminal Court (ICC). She has been working as a Case Manager in the Defence team for Mr Patrice-Edouard Ngaïssona before the ICC since January 2020. Barbara studied international law at Panthéon-Assas Paris II and University of Warsaw for a semester, as well as history of art at Université Sorbonne Paris-IV. After obtaining her Masters of International Public Law in Paris, she joined the Defence team of Mr Charles Blé-Goudé before the ICC and worked on various projects related to international law and international politics. She was also an intern for jus Mundi, a legal-tech company dedicated to international law. Barbara speaks French, English, Polish and is currently learning Dutch.


MUHAMMAD WAQAS KHAN (Associate Member)

I am a dedicated criminal court practitioner in Pakistan, with experience at both district and high court levels. My extensive practice includes handling complex criminal cases such as murder, rape, abduction, and genocide, equipping me with a deep understanding of court proceedings and evidence. Since joining the ICCBA in 2018 and being admitted to the ICC list of assistant counsels in 2020, I have actively participated in nearly every ICCBA and ICC activity. My commitment was further demonstrated in 2022 when I was elected as a member of the training committee, where I contributed positively to our collective goals. If re-elected, I am committed to leveraging my experience and dedication to advance the ICCBA’s mission and support our members to the best of my abilities.



Ahmed Zuhair Bajalan (Ahmed Wali) Assistant to Counsel before the ICC & ICCBA member A lawyer since 2011 and Assistant to Counsel before the ICC since 2020.  Ahmed was born Baghdad he is Arabic and Kurdish speaker he is multicultural. furthermore English. Ahmed has been dedicated to addressing crimes against humanity and war crimes..etc. with a strong focus on those perpetrated jointly by the Turkish army and ISIS against Kurds in Western Kurdistan part which located in the north and east Syria, as well as offenses within Iraqi territory. as the Kurdish people face the jointly crimes of Turkey and its backed groups. His legal efforts extend to confronting continuous airstrikes and drone attacks by Turkey, a pressing issue in his homeland against civilians in Iraq and Syria.  South and west of Kurdistan. Living in a country which its people faced different kind of crimes against humanity and war crimes...etc.  Also the occupation of the Musel city in the north of Iraq by ISIS which also supported by Turkey. such crimes committed against the Yazidi and the Kurds - Christians. Arabs..etc. Ahmed working to protect the country from those international perpetrators. Ahmed's commitment to justice is further evident in his volunteer work with UN agencies independently he represented victims of Enforced disappearance and arbitrary detention - torture and degrading treatment..ect.  Also he represented victims of LGBTI community. He is deeply involved in representing victims of gender-based violence (GBV) representing them in the courts and his advocacy for individuals from diverse backgrounds, including children, women, displaced persons, and Syrian refugees. He is working in criminal justice in his country in cases before the investigation courts and courts handling felonies..etc. . Ahmed continues to fight for justice against international perpetrators.

Comité des Amicus



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Avocat au Barreau de Paris depuis 2003 et inscrite en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles depuis 2015, Aurélie Berthet est également Médiateur, figurant sur les listes de plusieurs Cours d’appel en France. De nationalité franco-britannique, elle exerce une activité professionnelle à la fois locale et internationale, avec une forte spécialisation en droit pénal, droit de l'asile et droit international humanitaire. Diplômée en sciences, en droit et en médiation, et bénéficiant de plus de 20 ans d'expérience sur le terrain, Aurélie Berthet enseigne les fondamentaux de la profession dans les écoles d'avocats, après avoir notamment dispensé des cours de droit pénal à l'université. Ancien Membre du Conseil National des Barreaux et de plusieurs instances représentatives de la profession d'avocat en France, Président d'honneur de l'Union des Jeunes Avocats de Paris et membre d'honneur de la FNUJA, Aurélie Berthet aborde les missions qui lui sont confiées avec passion et dévouement.

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GIOVANNI CHIARINI (Associate Member)

Giovanni Chiarini (PhD) is an Assistant Professor at Alfaisal University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where he teaches international criminal law and the law of armed conflict. He recently published the book "The Evolution of International Criminal Procedure" (Routledge, 2024). Chiarini is also an International Fellow at the National Institute of Military Justice in Washington DC, a criminal defense attorney, and a Senior Associate at MEPLAW. He is admitted to the ICC list of assistants-to-counsel, and he has carried out legal consultancy for UNAKRT. He previously taught at Huddersfield University and the Royal Academy of Police in Bahrain. He has been a Scholar-in-Residence at Texas Tech University and a Visiting Professor at Mississippi College School of Law. He was also a visiting researcher at the following universities: Institute of International Peace and Security Law, Universität zu Köln; Centre for Criminal Justice, University College Cork; Université Côte d'Azur; Centre for Global Law, University of Edinburgh; Centre for Critical Legal Studies, Warwick University. His publications ( have been awarded the Gold Medal for best article by the Cork Law Review (Arthur Cox Prize), best PhD publication by the American Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, and best article by the Center for Studies in International Affairs.


DIMITRI DEBORD (Associate Member)

I am assistant to counsel before ICC, a former elected member before the executive council of the ICCBA and an officer serving as a legal adviser in the French Army General Staff (Commander (r)). I am a qualified criminal lawyer in France. I am also a former professor-assistant in human rights law. I also manage the Education-Nation non-profit organization that I created in Cameroun intended to improve the education provided to children. I am currenty constituting a group of defense for the victims in Libya. I hold a Doctorate degree in military law from the University of Paris-Nanterre. I also was awarded a Master in International Human Rights Law from the University of Oxford (Msc) and Diplomas from the same institution (DipHE in English social history, and CertHE in archeology), a Postgraduate Diploma from King's College London (European law), a Master from Sciences-Po Grenoble (European governance) and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales de Paris (EHESS, theory of law). I am the former First Secretary of the Conference of the Lawyers of the Bar of Versailles after winning the lawyers annual public eloquence contest. I also won the international oratory contest of improvisation held in Versailles. Lastly, I was rewarded the first prize of the international French-speaking eloquence competition T. Pemmers organized by the Luxembourg Bar.





 NKOMU MABASO (Full Member) 

Nkomu Mabaso worked as a Prosecutor in the districts of Lulekani, Giyani and Hlanganani in South Africa from 1998. He was admitted as an Advocate of the High Court of South Africa in 2002. He then joined the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for the Transkei Division as a State Advocate. In 2004, he joined the Directorate of Special Operations in the Eastern Cape as a Senior State Advocate. The Directorate investigates and prosecutes serious and complicated matters in the country. He then joined the Office of the Head and the National Director of Prosecuting Authority of South Africa in Pretoria. He worked in this office until he resigned and started his own private practice as an Advocate. He is practising from Oxford chambers in Sandton, South Africa. He specialises in Civil Law, Criminal Law and Labour Law. He appears in High Court, Supreme Court of Appeal, Constitutional Court of South Africa and the International Criminal Court, The Netherlands. He has 26 years of experience in the court room as Prosecutor and Counsel. In 2021 he was appointed as an examiner of the Criminal Procedure for Advocates Admission Examinations by the Legal Practice Council, the body that regulates Legal Practitioners in South Africa. He is a member of the Legal Practice Council, South African Bar Association, African Bar Association, Commonwealth Lawyers Association and International Criminal Court Bar Association. All as a full member.



Idenyemih Stella Omiyi is a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria being called to the Nigerian Bar in 1971 after obtaining LLB and Masters Degrees University of London 1965-1970. Between 1971 and 2005 she worked at the Federal Ministry of Justice of Nigeria being appointed inter alia as Director of International and Comparative Law Department and Director of Public Prosecutions of the Federation She participated in the discussions and negotiation process which led up to the Rome Statue. In 2003 she was a Nigerian delegation at the UN meeting on the election of ICC judges. A member of the Nigerian Legal team appointed: by the Government to prosecute the case concerning THE LAND AND `MARITIME BOUNDARY DISPUTE: NIGERIA VS CAMEROON before the International Court of JUSTICE at The Hague She is now an expert in international boundary disputes. She also runs an NGO focusing on women and children issues. She was elected Vice President of the International Criminal Bar in 2015. She is admitted to the International Criminal Court List of Counsel in 2011 and a founding member of the ICCBA and has been elected member of the Membership Committee in 2016 to 2017. Defence & Victims Committee 2021.  She got a letter of Commendation from the President and his Executive Council Members for a job well done. She was also elected a member of the Professional Standards Advisory Committee in 2022.



Ahmed Zuhair Bajalan (Ahmed Wali) Assistant to Counsel before the ICC & ICCBA member A lawyer since 2011 and Assistant to Counsel before the ICC since 2020.  Ahmed was born Baghdad he is Arabic and Kurdish speaker he is multicultural. furthermore English. Ahmed has been dedicated to addressing crimes against humanity and war crimes..etc. with a strong focus on those perpetrated jointly by the Turkish army and ISIS against Kurds in Western Kurdistan part which located in the north and east Syria, as well as offenses within Iraqi territory. as the Kurdish people face the jointly crimes of Turkey and its backed groups. His legal efforts extend to confronting continuous airstrikes and drone attacks by Turkey, a pressing issue in his homeland against civilians in Iraq and Syria.  South and west of Kurdistan. Living in a country which its people faced different kind of crimes against humanity and war crimes...etc.  Also the occupation of the Musel city in the north of Iraq by ISIS which also supported by Turkey. such crimes committed against the Yazidi and the Kurds - Christians. Arabs..etc. Ahmed working to protect the country from those international perpetrators. Ahmed's commitment to justice is further evident in his volunteer work with UN agencies independently he represented victims of Enforced disappearance and arbitrary detention - torture and degrading treatment..ect.  Also he represented victims of LGBTI community. He is deeply involved in representing victims of gender-based violence (GBV) representing them in the courts and his advocacy for individuals from diverse backgrounds, including children, women, displaced persons, and Syrian refugees. He is working in criminal justice in his country in cases before the investigation courts and courts handling felonies..etc. . Ahmed continues to fight for justice against international perpetrators.

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