Comité Consultatif des Normes Professionnelles
Le Comité consultatif des normes professionnelles est en charge de conseiller et d’assister les membres de l’ABCPI en relation avec le Code de conduite professionnelle des conseils et peut rédiger des avis consultatifs à leur demande.
Les membres actuels
Victor Tsilonis is the managing partner of NEWLAW and a highly regarded nominee for the 2020 ICC judicial elections, praised by the independent Advisory Committee on the Nominations of Judges. As a distinguished member of the International Criminal Court Bar Association (ICCBA), Dr Tsilonis has twice served as ICCBA Vice-President (2019-2020 & 2021-2022), held a position on the Executive Council (2022-2023), and chaired the Professional Standards Advisory Committee (2019-2020 & 2023-2024). He has played a pivotal role in the ICC Disciplinary Organs, contributing to 27% of published decisions. Dr Tsilonis has also shared his expertise as an adjunct lecturer at the Hellenic Open University (2022-2024). His seminal publication, The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (Springer, 2nd edition, 2024), addresses critical issues such as AI, cyber warfare, and ecocide. In recognition of his contributions to the legal discourse on ecocide and the ICC, Dr Tsilonis has been officially informed that he will receive the 2024 International Science Prize of the Hans Günter Brauch Foundation for Peace and Ecology in the Anthropocene in October 2024.
J’ai prêté serment au Barreau du Senegal le 09 Mars 1990. Cette longue expérience m’ a permis de me familiariser avec les différents systèmes et instruments juridiques du monde. En plus de mon inscription sur la liste des conseils de la Cour, je suis également inscrit sur la liste des conseils du Tribunal Spécial pour le Liban et de la Cour Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples. Par ailleurs, je suis Membre du Conseil Exécutif de la Coalition Pour Une Cour Africaine.Et Président de la Section Sénégalaise d’Avocats-Sans Frontières. J’ai été Vice-Président de la Ligue Sénégalaise des Droits De L’Homme .Et représentant des conseils au Comité Consultatif de la Cour. J’ai en outre diriger une des équipes d’Avocats, devant les Chambres Africaines Extraordinaires. J’ai aussi été conseil de permanence à de multiples reprises, dans la situation de la Côte d’Ivoire et du Burundi. En plus d’avoir participé à pratiquement toutes les sessions de formation organisées par le Greffe à l’intention des conseils, j’ai également fait partie à deux reprises, de l’équipe des Experts Formateurs, aux Sessions tenues à Arusha et à la Haye, aux mois de Février et Juin 2016. Enfin, je fais présentement partie de l’équipe des RLV,dans l’affaire de la Centre-Afrique II.
Elisabetta is an Italian Criminal Lawyer with almost thirty years of experience as Defence Counsel and Counsel for Victims before National Tribunals and Higher Courts. She was admitted to the List of Counsel of the International Criminal Court in 2012. For decades she has been practicing as Lead Counsel in serious crime cases (Criminal Law and Procedure, Civil Law and Procedure, Italian Juvenile System of Courts, Immigration Law, Domestic and International Law, UE Criminal Law, Computer and Cyber Crimes, Sexual Crimes). She is also HR defender. Elisabetta has been involved in national and international associations of Counsel, and actively has promoted the establishing of the ICCBA. In 2016 She was appointed as member of EU and International Criminal Law drafting Commission at the Italian Ministry of Justice. Currently, she is member of the International Committee of the Bar of Bologna with task for liaising with the ICC. As an expert in International Criminal Law and Justice, she is trainer in many compulsory training programs for Lawyers and her articles are published on these topics. Past chair of the ICCBA Membership Committee, Elisabetta has also served as member of the Executive Council and elected member of the ICCBA Victims Committee.
Mr. Dragan Ivetić received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Northwestern University in 1996 and went on to the University of Illinois College of Law where he received a J.D. in 1999. He is licensed to practice law before the Courts of Illinois, up to the Supreme Court; the US Federal Court of the Illinois Northern District; the International Criminal Court; the ICTY (which has now become the Residual Mechanism); the International Criminal Court; and previously practiced before the State Court of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Domestically Mr. Ivetić practiced in Chicago as an Associate at McBreen & Kopko, then as a Member and Partner of Ostojic and Scudder LLC. Mr. Ivetić is now the Managing Member of the Illinois Law Firm of “Dragan Ivetić, Attorney at Law LLC”, and additionally as an individual practitioner is part of Kansas-based Warrior Lawyers International. Mr. Ivetić is currently President of the ADC-ICT Bar Association as well as a member of its Training Committee. The ADC-ICT is the recognized Bar Association of the United Nations IRMCT (“Residual Mechanism” – Previously UN ICTY) in The Hague and gives advocacy and regional training.
Chilean Lawyer, with 30 years of experience, Professor of Economic Criminal Law, Litigation, Cybercrimes, Data Protection and Privacy in Criminal Proceedings, and International Criminal Law in Universidad Catolica de Chile (LLM) and Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso (Chile). Lecturer and Speaker in different Congress and Doctoral and Magister Programs in Chile, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Spain, etc. Litigator, LLM (California Western School of Law, San Diego, USA, 2016); Specialist in Economic and Corporates Criminal Law (Universidad Castilla – La Mancha, Spain, 2011); Advanced Diploma in International Criminal Law and before the International Courts (The Syracuse Institute, Italy, 2018); Legal Advisor for Senate and Deputies Chamber in Chile. Former President of Valparaiso Bar Association (many periods), Chile. Full member of ICCBA, and Counsel before ICC – CPI (admitted in 2018), Member of AFBA, Member of Privacy Rules International.