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Points focaux

Le Conseil Exécutif de l’ABCPI a désigné des points focaux régionaux et thématique en charge de conduire les activités de sensibilisation au nom de l’ABCPI dans leur aire géographique de responsabilité.


Le mandat des points focaux inclut :


  • Expliquer le rôle de l’ABCPI aux conseils et personnels d’appui enregistrés sur la liste dans la région concerné.


  • Expliquer l’intérêt de joindre l’ABCPI en qualité de membre à part entière, membre associé ou membre affilié aux personnes concernées.


  • Expliquer le travail et la compétence de la CPI aux professionnels juridiques de la région concerné.


  • Jouer le rôle de canal local entre l’association, les Conseils de la liste et les membres de l’ABCPI, afin de faire remonter les suggestions, problèmes et/ou recommandations que les Conseils de la liste et autres membres pourraient avoir en relation avec le travail de l’ABCPI.


  • Au besoin, assister le Président de l’ABCPI et le Conseil Exécutif dans leurs relations avec les barreaux nationaux.


  • Adresser des recommandations au Président de l’ABCPI sur les besoins en termes de formation des conseils locaux et sur toutes autres questions pertinentes dans le pays/la région concerné(e).


Si vous souhaitez contacter un point focal, veuillez envoyer un e-mail à :​

Points focaux régionaux
Regional Focal Points
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Dr. Justry Patrick  Lumumba Nyaberi

Dr. Justry Patrick Lumumba Nyaberi is an advocate of the High Court of Kenya with over 34 years of experience, having been admitted to the Roll of Advocates in 1990. He holds various degrees, including a Bachelor of Laws, a Master of Laws, a Master of International Studies, a Master of Business Administration, and a Doctor of Philosophy, all from the University of Nairobi.


Dr. Nyaberi has authored more than 11 books: five on Criminal Law, one on the Law of Evidence, two on Environmental Law, and three on Religion. He has also published more than 22 articles in peer-reviewed journals on law and management issues.


Dr. Nyaberi served as Defense Counsel at the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, representing Jean Bosco Barayagwiza at both the tribunal and its Appeals Chamber at The Hague. He later became a consultant and acted as Amicus Curiae in several cases at the tribunal. Additionally, he was a Defense Counsel at the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia and the Special Court for Sierra Leone.


Dr. Nyaberi is the Chairman of the Strategic Management Institute, Director of the International Centre for Environmental, Social and Policy Studies, and a Lecturer at the Catholic University of East Africa since 2006. He has also served as Chairman of the National Environment Complaints Committee, an environmental ombudsman in Kenya, and as a Trustee of the Adventist University of Africa. In 2023, the Kenyan government recognized his diligence in addressing environmental challenges by awarding him the Moran of the Burning Spear (MBS) honor.

Dr. Nyaberi is a member of numerous legal organizations, including the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property, the European Criminal Bar Association, the International Bar Association, LawAsia, the Commonwealth Lawyers Association, the International Law Association (Canada), the Pan African Lawyers Union, the East African Law Society, and the Law Society of Kenya. He is also a member of other organizations such as the Institute of Public Secretaries and the Royal Commonwealth Society.


As regards the ICCBA, Dr. Nyaberi is a member of the Defence Committee of the International Criminal Court Bar Association (2024–2025). He has also been appointed as the African Regional Focal Point for the ICCBA and ICC for 2025.


Dr. Nyaberi looks forward to an amicable working relationship with other stakeholders to make the protection of the world from war and environmental crimes a reality—vibrant and effective.



Joel Ruiz Butuyan




Ilya Novikov




Alfredo Romero


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Regina Weiss

Regina Weiss is an Australian barrister who's experience in international criminal law stems from close to nine years with the ICC's Office of the Prosecutor in The Hague, where she served two consecutive Prosecutors and worked as a trial lawyer on cases emanating predominantly from east Africa. She has appeared extensively before the pre-trial and trial chambers of the ICC prosecuting war crimes and crimes against humanity and has also spent time in situ on mission. Regina currently chairs the ICCBA's Ecocide Working Group, is a Member of the ICCBA Victims Committee and previously served as the ICCBA's focal point on sexual and gender-based violence. 


Locally in Australia, Regina represents plaintiffs in institutional abuse matters, has led several reviews of historical sexual and serious physical abuse in institutional settings resulting in recommendations adopted by government and also specialises in administrative law, with a focus on integrity matters. 


Regina is a graduate of the University of Tasmania and remains happily involved in the University's international law program.


Regina was recently named Australian Barrister of the Year at the 2024 Women in Law Awards.

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