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Résultats des élections 2021



Jennifer Naouri is a French Lawyer, currently Vice President for Defence of the ICCBA and Chair of the ICCBA Defence Committee.


At the ICC, she is Lead Counsel for Mahamat Said and Co-Counsel for President Gbagbo (who was acquitted of all charges by the ICC Appeals Chamber in March 2021). She serves in the same capacity in the Defence team of Félicien Kabuga at the MICT. She is co-founder of SILC, (Strategic International Legal Consulting), a consultancy firm specialised in ICL, human rights, advocacy training and capacity building.


Jennifer has vast experience working in multinational and multicultural organisations, in particular before international courts and tribunals (ICTR, ICTY, ECCC, ICC, MICT). 


Jennifer has acted both as Defence Counsel and legal representative for victims in complex international criminal cases involving genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and sexual violence. For example, she participated in the representation of Hormisdas Nsengimana (acquitted by the ICTR), of victims before the ECCC and of victims of terrorism. She has experience working for NGOs (e.g. GISTI, French Red Cross) and political institutions (e.g. French Parliament) and regularly provides strategic advice to States, IOs and affected communities in her consultancy work with SILC.


Having practiced advocacy in broken countries, for accused but also for survivors of crimes against humanity, Jennifer has concrete and acute understanding of the current challenges faced by legal teams and this explains her dual commitment: to the rights of the Defence and in favour of victims.


As founding member of the ICCBA and as an EC member Jennifer has endeavoured to build on her experience to advocate for the ICC to provide legal teams with adequate employment conditions (particularly pushing for increasing the rights of female Counsel and support staff, in terms of paid maternity leave, protection against harassment, etc) and promote equal gender representation of the profession.  


Jennifer has also been a vocal advocate for respect of fairness and equality of arms at the ICC, through her work as a leading member of the Working Group on legal aid and taxation of the ICCBA and her advocacy on these issues directed at various diplomatic stakeholders, at the ASP and beyond.


Jennifer has been teaching international law, human rights, IHL and ICL for over a decade both in an academic and professional context (ICRC, Leiden University, Sciences Po, ICCBA, Training of List Counsel of the ICC, etc.).

Executive Council
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Victor Baiesu served for eight years as an Associate Trial Lawyer at the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC, where he appeared before the Chambers of the ICC and represented the Prosecution in the five cases in the Situation in Darfur, Sudan. During his time at the ICC, he also worked for both the Disciplinary Advisory Board and the Appeals Board of the ICC. Before joining the ICC in 2005, he worked as a Legal Officer at the European Court of Human Rights and then the Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights of the Council of Europe. Since 2013, he is a Legal Officer in the Chambers of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. In addition, he contributed to updating the chapter on victim participation in the fourth and fifth editions of Archbold International. He holds a Masters degree in Comparative and European law.


SANDRINE DE SENA (Associate Member)

Sandrine de Sena is an international criminal law practitioner. She assisted the Office of the President of the STL with legal research through the International Law Clinic of Laval University (Québec, Canada) in 2013. She then gained experience at law firms in Paris before becoming a pro bono legal assistant in the defence team for Mr Ntaganda in 2016, and was subsequently appointed Case Manager. She is currently teaching international criminal law at Panthéon-Assas University and managing the Criminal Affairs Division of the University Law Clinic, while writing her thesis on the practice of defence rights before the ICC. Her professional experience and her current research led her to go with the French delegation at the 18th Assembly of States Parties. During more than three years at the ICC, Sandrine de Sena has worked on the legal and administrative aspects of the Ntaganda case. In her daily practice, she has acknowledged the challenges faced by the support staff and has actively worked during the past year to improve the employment conditions of the support staff.


DIMITRI DEBORD (Associate Member)

Dimitri is Assistant to Counsel before the C.P.I. and elected member before the Amici Curiae committee at the I.C.C.B.A. He holds a doctorate in comparative military law from the University of Paris-Nanterre (summa cum laude) and a magister degree in international law. He also was awarded diplomas from the University of Oxford (history and archeology), King's College London (European law), Sciences-Po Grenoble (governance) and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales de Paris (theory of law). Dimitri is also a former First Secretary of the Conference after winning the annual public speaking competition. In 2019, he founded the National Conference (national oratory competition aimed at appointing three National Secretaries) under the supervision of the Conférence des Bâtonniers. His involvement in international law is further evidenced by his status as a member of the Army-Youth Commission (Ministry of defense), his former status as a teacher in this field and a certificate of professionalization in international relations from the European University Institute of Florence (EUI). Finally, Dimitri has just been appointed knight of arts and letters by the Minister of culture.



Haydee Dijkstal is a UK barrister and US attorney with over a decade of experience practicing international criminal and human rights law before international, regional and domestic courts. Her practice has included work before the ICC, ICTY, SCSL, African Commission and Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights and UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. Haydee has been a member of legal teams before the International Criminal Court since 2011 representing parties including the defence, victims and Governments.  This includes the Defence team for Abdullah Al-Senussi, legal team for Sudanese victims, legal team for the Kenyan Government, and recently as co-counsel for victims of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, as well as for the Government of the Comoros, in the Registered Vessels situation. She currently acts as counsel for a group of victims in the Afghanistan situation before the ICC, and is involved in the legal team representing Palestinian victims before the Court.

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AIDAN ELLIS (Full Member)

Aidan Ellis has worked for Defence teams at the ICC and ICTY for the last nine years. He practises as a barrister in London and The Hague. He is currently Counsel for the Defence of Saif Al-Islam Gadafi in admissibility proceedings at the ICC. He has previously worked for the Defence team representing Saleh Jerbo and Abdallah Banda (situation in Sudan). He was the editorial assistant on the latest edition of Archbold International Criminal Courts. He has previously served on and chaired the membership committee of the ADC-ICT.

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FIANA GANTHERET  (Associate Member)

Fiana Gantheret is a French international criminal law expert with over ten years of professional experience in international criminal tribunals and national jurisdictions. In particular, she provided legal support to various Defence teams before the iCTY and the ICC, including the defence teams of Drago Nikolic, Laurent Gabgbo and M. Saïd. Last year, she was nominated to be a member of the Counsel Support Staff Committee, and was involved in the ICCBA working group on Gender Parity, Equality and Welfare. 

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KATE GIBSON (Full Member)

Kate Gibson has been practicing before international criminal courts and tribunals since 2005, appearing before the ICC, ICTR, IRMCT, ECCC and SCSL on some of the leading cases before these courts. Currently, Kate is the co-counsel of Bosco Ntaganda before the ICC, and also represents Rohingya victims in the Bangladesh/Myanmar situation. Kate also leads the legal team of Paul Rusesabagina, charged with terrorism in Rwanda, and is a member of the Defence team of the former President of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi before the Kosovo Specialist Chambers.


Previously at the ICC, Kate was the co-counsel of Jean-Pierre Bemba, former Vice-President of the DRC who was acquitted by the ICC Appeals Chamber in 2018. She was also the co-counsel of former President of Liberia Charles Taylor before the SCSL, and the Co-Counsel of former President of the Republika Srpška Radovan Karadžić before the IRMCT. Kate was one of the youngest Lead Counsel to be appointed at the ICTR, representing Minister Justin Mugenzi who was acquitted on appeal. She was also the co-counsel of Jean-Baptiste Gatete, former bourgmestre of Murambi commune. Between 2007 and 2008, Kate was the Associate Legal Officer of His Honour Judge Mohammed Shahabuddeen in the Appeals Chamber of the ICTY and ICTR. Kate also represented victims in the Duch case at the ECCC.


In 2018, Kate was appointed as a Legal Consultant to the UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission for Myanmar. She is a Senior Legal Advisor with the Public International Law and Policy Group (PILPG) in Washington, DC, working on transitional justice programs in Bangladesh, Libya, and the MENA region. Kate remains enraged by the lack of diversity of international legal practice, and works with a fantastic group of female lawyers to try to encourage paid opportunities and the accessibility of international law to lawyers from diverse regions and backgrounds. She is a Vice-President of the ADC-ICT and holds an LL.M in International Law from Cambridge University. Kate works in English and speaks grammatically incorrect French with a strong Australian accent.


MICHAEL HERZ (Full Member)

I have over eleven years' experience in international criminal law, including nearly five years at the ICC as a legal officer for the Office of Public Counsel for the Defence. Having chaired the Counsel Support Staff Committee (2018-19), I have a track record representing the interests of ICCBA members. I have worked for years on issues affecting legal team members, in particular those involving the legal aid policy, and, if elected, would use this knowledge to best serve both counsel and support staff. Furthermore, I would bring to the role my previous experience as an associate appeals counsel for the ICTR prosecution, associate legal officer for the ICTY Appeals Chamber, and as a legal consultant for the defence at the SCSL and ECCC. I am half-German half-Indonesian, but grew up mainly in England, which is where I was called to the Bar.

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DOV JACOBS (Full Member)

Dr. Dov Jacobs is a French International Law and International Criminal Law expert, Defense Counsel at the ICC and MICT and founder of SILC (Strategic International Legal Consulting), a consultancy firm specialised in ICL, human rights, advocacy training and capacity building ( Among other current engagements, he is co-Counsel for Mahamat Said and on the Defense team of Laurent Gbagbo at the ICC; on the Defense team of Félicien Kabuga and Duty Counsel for Petar Jojic at the MICT. He has also been involved as an Amicus Curiae in both the Afghanistan and Palestine Situations at the ICC.


Dov was a founding member of the ICCBA and has since been active, in various capacities (this year as chair of the ICCBA Counsel Support Staff Committee and member of the ICCBA Training Committee), in promoting the interests of the professional community it represents, with the belief that Defense teams and victim representatives need strong institutional presence at the ICC, in order for their voice to be heard and their needs to be addressed. This is the condition for the system to work effectively and fairly, in achieving the common goals of international justice.


Dov is a regular guest professor in a number of universities (Leiden University, Sciences Po, Université de Lille, etc.) and  has published extensively in the field of international law and international criminal law, including in leading commentaries on the Rome Statute in French and English. His current research interests cover international criminal law and procedure, public international law (particularly State Responsibility) and legal theory.


He is a door tenant at 9 Bedford Row, Senior Editor of the Leiden Journal of International Law. He regularly comments on international (criminal) law issues on his blog, Spreading the Jam.

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Biography is available here

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Mr Larochelle is one of the founding partners of Larochelle Avocats, a firm specializing in litigation based in Montreal, Canada.  ( Since 1998, Mr Larochelle has developed a private practice focusing on civil and criminal law before the Superior Courts, Courts of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. Since 2001, he has also practiced in international criminal law, representing clients before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (Tanzania), the International Criminal Court (The Netherlands) and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (The Netherlands). Mr Larochelle has extensive experience in civil, criminal and aboriginal law, both before Canadian and international courts, including the following cases:

-Acquittal before the Supreme Court of Canada in 2006 (Déry v. The Queen).

-Representing the interests of the Algonquin Makwanini First Nation since 2008.

-Acquittal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Rwanda at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in 2011 (The Prosecutor v. Bicamumpaka).

-Condemnation of Canada by the Committee against Torture in 2012 (Régent Boily v. Canada).

-Confirmation of the decision not to confirm the charges before the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court in 2012 (The Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana).

-Acquittal in R. v. Mungwarere, genocide trial before Canadian courts in 2013.

-Conviction of the Minister of Youth Affairs and Cooperatives by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in 2014 (Prosecutor v. Nzabonimana).

-Member of Narcisse Arido Defence team before the International Criminal Court in 2015.

-Defence Counsel for the interests of Hussein Hassan Oneissi before the Special Tribunal for Lebanon 2014-2016.

-Revision case for Éliezer Niyitegeka before the IRMCT in 2015-2017.

-Condemnation of Canada by the Committee against torture in 2018 (Mugesera c. Canada).

-Defence of Jean-de-Dieu Ndagijimana, facing contempt charges before the IRMCT since 2019

-Condemnation of Rwanda before the African Court on Human and Peoples Right in November 2020 (Mugesera c. Rwanda). Mr Larochelle participated as a panelist in conferences on international criminal law in Canada, The Netherlands and France. He has also published articles on the subject in both French and English.


THOMAS OBHOF (Associate Member)

I started at the ICC as an intern with the OPCD. Since then, I have worked on the Defence Teams for General Ali, President Kenyatta, Charles Blé Goudé and currently for Dominic Ongwen. During my tenure at the ICC, I have spent much of the time conducting in-country investigations. When I am not working, I enjoy fishing, skiing and working in my father-in-law’s garden. I have a Bachelor of Science in Biology, an LLM and Juris Doctor. I am a registered attorney in the State of New York (practicing out-of-state).

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ANAND A. SHAH (Full Member)

Anand Ajay Shah is an American attorney who has assisted in the representation of numerous defendants before the ICC (Darfur, Kenya and Libya Situations) and STL over the last twelve years. He is currently a Legal Advisor in the Legal Advisory Section of the Defence Office of the STL. He has also provided advice to governments and sub-state entities on international law issues and conflict resolution. Over previous ICCBA terms he has served on the Executive Council and as Secretary of the ICCBA, as well as on the Professional Standards Advisory, Amicus, Legal Advisory and Counsel Support Staff committees. He has also taken a leading role on ICCBA Working Groups addressing matters of legal aid, taxation, and work place harassment.

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Dr Victor Tsilonis is a principal legal counsel in Greece.  In 2020 he was Greece’s nominee for the position of judge at the International Criminal Court (evaluated as “highly qualified” by the independent advisory committee). He is the author of the book The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (Springer, 2019) ISBN 978-3-030-21525-5 (Springer, 2019), which constitutes the product of over 10 years of research on the International Criminal Court. Moreover, Victor is the founder and chief executive officer of the niche Greek law firm Newlaw, and has a 17-year track record of excellence in handling criminal cases. He is actively involved in the ICC’s fora and thus familiar with the criminal proceedings of the Court. As a member of the ICC Disciplinary Board (2018-2022), he has tried a number of disciplinary cases. Moreover in 2019, he was elected Joint Vice President for Victims and Chairman of the Professional Standards Advisory Committee of the International Criminal Court Bar Association (ICCBA), the only Bar Association formally recognised by the Assembly of States Parties. 

Comité de la Défense​


Click here for biography



Mr. Dragan Ivetić received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Northwestern University in 1996 and went on to the University of Illinois College of Law where he received a J.D. in 1999. He is licensed to practice law before the Courts of Illinois, up to the Supreme Court; the US Federal Court of the Illinois Northern District; the International Criminal Court; the ICTY (which has now become the Residual Mechanism); the International Criminal Court; and previously practiced before the State Court of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Domestically Mr. Ivetić practiced in Chicago as an Associate at McBreen & Kopko, then as a Member and Partner of Ostojic and Scudder LLC.   Mr. Ivetić is now the Managing Member of the Illinois Law Firm of “Dragan Ivetić, Attorney at Law LLC”, and additionally as an individual practitioner is part of Kansas-based Warrior Lawyers International. Mr. Ivetić is currently a Vice-President of the ADC-ICT Bar Association as well as a member of its Training Committee.  The ADC-ICT is the recognized Bar Association of the United Nations IRMCT (“Residual Mechanism” – Previously UN ICTY) in The Hague and gives advocacy and regional training.​​

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Brian Kennedy is recently admitted to the List of Counsel for the ICC, and is a new member of the ICCBA. Earlier in his legal career, he served as a senior prosecutor in New York City, dealing with major narcotics-related cases and serious violent crimes. Since then, for the last twenty years as defense counsel, he has handled numerous white-collar and complex criminal matters as lead trial counsel. Mr. Kennedy also frequently represents claimants in investment-related litigation, and is an arbitrator with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. He graduated from Georgetown University with a degree in international affairs, and from Fordham University Law School with a concentration in securities law. During law school, he also studied international law in London. Mr. Kennedy holds both U.S. and Irish citizenship, and lives in New York, New York.



🔱 Jad Khalil 🔱


President of “ The International 

Association to confront Corona virus and Global Violations Officials “ I.A.C.C.O Link:

Legal Advisor of the International Organisation for World Peace .

Defence Counsel for Mr Hassan Merhi STL . 

Counsel for Generals Mostafa Hamdan and Raymond Azar vs. UN

Counsel for Lebanese Deportees vs. Kuwait .

Ex-Chair of ICCBA Defence Committee,

Member of its Executive Counsil .

On the list counsels of ICC/ADC-ICT/IRMCT/ KOSOVO sp.Ch./ Central Africa / 

State Counsel 

+31611921426 (The Hague)

+9613272795 (Beirut)



Stella Omiyi is a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court oF Nigeria being called to the Nigerian Bar in 1971 after obtaining LLB  and Masters   Degrees University of London 1965-1970. Between 1971 and 2005 she worked at the Federal Ministry of Justice of Nigeria being appointed inter alia as Director of International and Comparative Law Department and Director of Public Prosecutions of the Federation She participated  in the discussions and negotiation process  which led up to the Rome Statue. In 2003 she was a Nigerian delegation at the UN  meeting on the election of ICC judges. A member   of the Nigerian Legal team appointed : by the Government to prosecute the case concerning  THE LAND AND `MARITIME  BOUNDARY DISPUTE:::: NIGERIA VS CAMEROON before the International Court of JUSTICE at The Hague She is   also now an expert in international boundary disputes. Apart from law She also run an NGO focusing on women and children issues. She was  elected Vice President of the International Criminal Bar in 2015.and a member of the Executive Council. She is admitted to the International Criminal Court  List of Counsel in 2011. She is  a founding member of the ICCBA  and was elected  member  of the Membership Committee in 2016 to 2017. She got a letter of Commendation from the President and his Executive Council Members for a job well done.






Born in France, Sarah VALDURIEZ grew up in the United States. She is bilingual. Attorney since 2009, located in Paris and then in Versailles (France), she defends her clients before national and international courts. Her experience in criminal law has led her to represent both victims and defendants, particularly in cases of terrorism and organized crime.


The Proust Questionnaire revisited:


Her particularity: She combines listening and availability with her technical skills. She is frank and open.

Her spoken languages: English, French, Spanish.

Her involvement in humanitarian aspects: She devotes part of her time to support children in the world, to improve their access to education.

Her favorite virtue: Determination.

Her favorite quality in a lawyer: Humanity.

Her ideal client: The one who involves her in strategic thinking.

Her ideal case: The one that requires imagination.

Her favorite occupation outside of law: Photography.

If she were not a lawyer, she would want to be: A photographer.

Her favorite Latin legal expression: Mutata lex non perit (the law that does not evolve dies).

Her favorite motto: Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno (one for all, all for one).

Comité des Victimes​​


Haydee Dijkstal is a UK barrister and US attorney with over a decade of experience practicing international criminal and human rights law before international, regional and domestic courts. Her practice has included work before the ICC, ICTY, SCSL, African Commission and Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights and UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. Haydee has been a member of legal teams before the International Criminal Court since 2011 representing parties including the defence, victims and Governments.  This includes the Defence team for Abdullah Al-Senussi, legal team for Sudanese victims, legal team for the Kenyan Government, and recently as co-counsel for victims of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, as well as for the Government of the Comoros, in the Registered Vessels situation. She currently acts as counsel for a group of victims in the Afghanistan situation before the ICC, and is involved in the legal team representing Palestinian victims before the Court.



Elisabetta is an Italian Criminal Lawyer with over twenty years of experience as Defence Counsel and Counsel for Victims before National Tribunals and Higher Courts. She was admitted to the List of Counsel of the International Criminal Court in 2012. For decades she has been practicing as Lead Counsel in serious crime cases (Criminal Law and Procedure, Civil Law and Procedure, Italian Juvenile System of Courts, Immigration Law, Domestic and International Law, UE Criminal Law, Computer and Cyber Crimes, Sexual Crimes). She is also HR defender. Elisabetta has been involved in national and international associations of Counsel, and actively has promoted the establishing of the ICCBA. In 2016 She was appointed as member of EU and International Criminal Law drafting Commission at the Italian Ministry of Justice. Currently, she is member of the International Committee of the Bar of Bologna with task for liaising with the ICC. As an expert in International Criminal Law and Justice , she is trainer in many compulsory training programs for Lawyers and her articles are published on these topics. Past chair of the ICCBA Membership Committee, Elisabetta has also served as member of the Executive Council and elected member of the ICCBA Defence Committee.

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Brian Kennedy is recently admitted to the List of Counsel for the ICC, and is a new member of the ICCBA. Earlier in his legal career, he served as a senior prosecutor in New York City, dealing with major narcotics-related cases and serious violent crimes. Since then, for the last twenty years as defense counsel, he has handled numerous white-collar and complex criminal matters as lead trial counsel. Mr. Kennedy also frequently represents claimants in investment-related litigation, and is an arbitrator with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. He graduated from Georgetown University with a degree in international affairs, and from Fordham University Law School with a concentration in securities law. During law school, he also studied international law in London. Mr. Kennedy holds both U.S. and Irish citizenship, and lives in New York, New York.



Stella Omiyi is a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court oF Nigeria being called to the Nigerian Bar in 1971 after obtaining LLB  and Masters   Degrees University of London 1965-1970. Between 1971 and 2005 she worked at the Federal Ministry of Justice of Nigeria being appointed inter alia as Director of International and Comparative Law Department and Director of Public Prosecutions of the Federation She participated  in the discussions and negotiation process  which led up to the Rome Statue. In 2003 she was a Nigerian delegation at the UN  meeting on the election of ICC judges. A member   of the Nigerian Legal team appointed : by the Government to prosecute the case concerning  THE LAND AND `MARITIME  BOUNDARY DISPUTE:::: NIGERIA VS CAMEROON before the International Court of JUSTICE at The Hague She is   also now an expert in international boundary disputes. Apart from law She also run an NGO focusing on women and children issues. She was  elected Vice President of the International Criminal Bar in 2015.and a member of the Executive Council. She is admitted to the International Criminal Court  List of Counsel in 2011. She is  a founding member of the ICCBA  and was elected  member  of the Membership Committee in 2016 to 2017. She got a letter of Commendation from the President and his Executive Council Members for a job well done.



Thushara Rajasinghe is a Judge of the Criminal Division of  the High Court in  the Republic of Fiji  since 2014. He presides over complex criminal cases ranging from murder, sexual offences (including against children), drug trafficking, freedom of speech and media freedom, constitutional rights of the citizens, money laundering and financial fraud, and serious property crimes.  He has been invited by the President of the Court  to  sit  as a Judge in the Court of Appeal of Fiji in several appeals. 


Rajasinghe served as a Resident Magistrate  in the Republic of Fiji from November 2009  until his appointment  to the High Court in August 2013. During the same period, he had presided over the Land Transport Appeal Tribunal. In August 2013, he was appointed to the High Court of Fiji (Civil Division) as the Master of the High Court. 


Prior to his appointment to the Fijian Judiciary , he served as a Magistrate/Additional District Judge in Sri Lanka from October 2004 to October 2009. Prior to that he was a practicing lawyer in Sri Lanka  from December 1999. During this period, he had handled a variety of civil and criminal cases and also took part in civil society activities directed at  promoting the rule of law, democracy, reconciliation and  peace-building. 


He completed his law studies at the Sri Lanka Law College in 1999. He was then enrolled as an Attorney- at- Law of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka in December 1999. In August 2012, he was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of Fiji Islands. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts (sp), Master of Arts in International Relations and Master of Law from the University of Colombo in 2001, 2007 and 2008. He also has contributed his knowledge in writing academic articles published in Law journals. He is 46 years old married and have one teenage daughter.  He also holds  dual citizenship in Fiji and Sri Lanka. 

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Dr Victor Tsilonis is a principal legal counsel in Greece.  In 2020 he was Greece’s nominee for the position of judge at the International Criminal Court (evaluated as “highly qualified” by the independent advisory committee). He is the author of the book The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (Springer, 2019) ISBN 978-3-030-21525-5 (Springer, 2019), which constitutes the product of over 10 years of research on the International Criminal Court. Moreover, Victor is the founder and chief executive officer of the niche Greek law firm Newlaw, and has a 17-year track record of excellence in handling criminal cases. He is actively involved in the ICC’s fora and thus familiar with the criminal proceedings of the Court. As a member of the ICC Disciplinary Board (2018-2022), he has tried a number of disciplinary cases. Moreover in 2019, he was elected Joint Vice President for Victims and Chairman of the Professional Standards Advisory Committee of the International Criminal Court Bar Association (ICCBA), the only Bar Association formally recognised by the Assembly of States Parties. 



Elke Zipperer is a German specialist lawyer for criminal law as well as a specialist lawyer for traffic law. She has 21 years of experience in criminal litigation, practising in Germany as victims‘ counsel and as criminal defense lawyer as well as 3.5 years as government councilor in the penal system. At the moment she is acting as legal representative for a victim in the Loveparade proceedings before the District Court of Duisburg. Furthermore, for years she had been deputy head of the external office Nuremberg Land of the WEISSER RING e.V., the only nationwide active victim support organisation in Germany. This pro bono work had to be ended due to the professional workload. In addition to the two mandatory  German state law exams, she also holds a Master of Laws in Computers and Law from The Queen's University of Belfast. Since 2008 she is on the list of Counsels admitted to the ICC.​​

Comité du personnel d’appui aux Conseils


Victoria Amann-Lasnier currently holds the position of Case Manager/ Legal Assistant in the case of Prosecutor v. Mahamat Said at the International Criminal Court. She is committed to give a voice to Counsel support staff, to improve employment conditions for all and to promote a positive work environment. Victoria has a wealth of experience in international criminal law from several jurisdictions. She has supported legal teams at the Office of the Co-Prosecutors in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), the Immediate Office of the Registrar at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) and more recently in the case of Prosecutor v. Stanišić & Simatović at the UN Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT). She holds an LL.M. from University of Essex where she also worked as a Research Fellow in transitional justice, conducted open-source investigations into allegations of crimes against humanity and contributed to amici curiae to refer situations to the ICC. In addition to legal experience, she also brings experience from the diplomatic and political arenas, having held positions in the French Parliament and the EU Delegation to the UN in Geneva.



Diana Constantinide is a British barrister and Cypriot lawyer with over 7 years of legal experience.  She is practicing international criminal and human rights law before international and domestic courts. At the ICC, she is assistant to Counsel to the legal representative of victims in the case of Abd- Al- Rahman. The past two years she has been working on the Afghanistan situation in the realm of victim representation.  She also worked on the Myanmar situation, before the ICC approved full investigation over Myanmar’s alleged crimes against the Rohingya and advised NGOs on complex international matters involving genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and sexual violence. She also teaches international criminal and human rights law. Diana completed ICC’s virtual training and she met with various sections of the court including the counsel section to understand the workplace conditions of persons assisting counsels. Through those steps and being an associate member of the ICCBA, Diana understands the importance in promoting a diverse and equal gender representation to the profession. 


SANDRINE DE SENA (Associate Member)

Sandrine de Sena is an international criminal law practitioner. She assisted the Office of the President of the STL with legal research through the International Law Clinic of Laval University (Québec, Canada) in 2013. She then gained experience at law firms in Paris before becoming a pro bono legal assistant in the defence team for Mr Ntaganda in 2016, and was subsequently appointed Case Manager. She is currently teaching international criminal law at Panthéon-Assas University and managing the Criminal Affairs Division of the University Law Clinic, while writing her thesis on the practice of defence rights before the ICC. Her professional experience and her current research led her to go with the French delegation at the 18th Assembly of States Parties. During more than three years at the ICC, Sandrine de Sena has worked on the legal and administrative aspects of the Ntaganda case. In her daily practice, she has acknowledged the challenges faced by the support staff and has actively worked during the past year to improve the employment conditions of the support staff.



Dr. Gabriel Juan Del Prado Alvarez.

Currently I am a criminal lawyer in the city of Lima, Peru, and have been a member of the Andean Parliament and advisor on public international law. Currently I work as a defense attorney in my country as well as an international advisor and international arbitrator. I have been studying Master's in International Criminal Law. I have been a member of the advocacy committee for lawyers before the International Criminal Court. I studied law at the San Pablo Catholic University and I serve as director ambassador of the International Commission for International Justice.


ANGELA H. DOWS (Affiliate Member)

Angela Dows is an attorney based in the United States with over a decade of experience defending the rights of the accused, in addition to litigation and advisement for private clients.  Ms. Dows defends clients facing federal charges, including: drug crimes, financial crimes, crimes of violence, RICO, and immigration fraud.  Ms. Dows has successfully litigated issues of search and seizure, suppression of statements, GPS tracking, cell phone tracking and searches, national and international jurisdiction, unconstitutional statutes, improper sentencing calculations and enhancements, and forfeiture and restitution.  Ms. Dows also represents clients in post-conviction proceedings and appeals before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and the Supreme Court of the United States, with published appellate decisions for: (1) the definition of a “violent felony” under the Armed Career Criminal Act, and (2) a forfeiture of $107 million under the Excessive Fines Clause of the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution. 


Ms. Dows is on the International Criminal Court List of Assistants to Counsel.  Ms. Dows has trained since 2011 on the International Criminal Court and International Criminal Defense, including extended programs with the Irish Centre for Human Rights, and University of Turin/UNICRI.

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CÉCILE LECOLLE (Associate Member)

Cécile has been legal assistant at the ICC in the Defence Team of Mr. Jean-Pierre Bemba from 2013 to 2018. Since 2019, she is a member of the Defence Team of Mr. Ndagijimana in the Nzabonimpa et al. case at the UN-IRMCT. She was part of the ICCBA Panel Discussion on the 20th Anniversary of the Rome Statute in 2018. She is also a consultant for IDLO, participating in the development and implementation of a training program aiming to strengthen the capacity of prosecutors, judges and lawyers in Rwanda in international criminal law.


IFFAT RAHMAN (Affiliate Member)

Iffat Rahman has a JD from the United States and is currently completing her LLM at Osgoode Law. She also possesses a diploma from Oxford University on human rights law.  She has work experience from the ICC, ICTY, ICTR and the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. She previously worked at the UNHCR in Malaysia and has been actively involved with human rights issues in Asia and Africa. 

Comité Consultatif des Normes Professionnelles​​


Mr. Dragan Ivetić received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Northwestern University in 1996 and went on to the University of Illinois College of Law where he received a J.D. in 1999. He is licensed to practice law before the Courts of Illinois, up to the Supreme Court; the US Federal Court of the Illinois Northern District; the International Criminal Court; the ICTY (which has now become the Residual Mechanism); the International Criminal Court; and previously practiced before the State Court of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Domestically Mr. Ivetić practiced in Chicago as an Associate at McBreen & Kopko, then as a Member and Partner of Ostojic and Scudder LLC.   Mr. Ivetić is now the Managing Member of the Illinois Law Firm of “Dragan Ivetić, Attorney at Law LLC”, and additionally as an individual practitioner is part of Kansas-based Warrior Lawyers International. Mr. Ivetić is currently a Vice-President of the ADC-ICT Bar Association as well as a member of its Training Committee.  The ADC-ICT is the recognized Bar Association of the United Nations IRMCT (“Residual Mechanism” – Previously UN ICTY) in The Hague and gives advocacy and regional training.​​



David Jacobs is a senior partner at the firm of Watson Jacobs McCreary LLP and has been practicing litigation for over 38 years. He is admitted to the International Criminal Court’s List of Counsel and has been active in the ICCBA since its inception: including as current member of the Executive Council and the Legal Advisory Committee; past member of the Defence Committee; and past Chair of the LAC. David is a regular guest lecturer in International Criminal Law at Osgoode Hall Law School and he has judged practice rounds for ICC Moot Court Competitions. He has acted as lead counsel for the defence in trials and appeals before the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. David is an experienced mediator. He is a frequent lecturer, writer and media commentator on human rights, international law; administrative, criminal, labour, and constitutional law.  He is a member of the Association of Defence Counsel practising before the International Courts and Tribunals and is Executive Member of the Administrative Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association.  David is a member of the Public Affairs Committee of the Ontario Bar Association.  He was Co-Chair of the Canadian Bar Association (Ontario) 1998 Institute of Continuing Legal Education Programme on Conducting a Professional Disciplinary Hearing. He is past Chair of the Constitutional and Civil Liberties Section, Canadian Bar Association (Ontario). He is a member of the Advocates'​ Society. David is author of a number of law articles and author of a section in Macaulay’s Practice and Procedure Before Administrative Tribunals.

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Anand Ajay Shah is an American attorney who has assisted in the representation of numerous defendants before the ICC (Darfur, Kenya and Libya Situations) and STL over the last twelve years. He is currently a Legal Advisor in the Legal Advisory Section of the Defence Office of the STL. He has also provided advice to governments and sub-state entities on international law issues and conflict resolution. Over previous ICCBA terms he has served on the Executive Council and as Secretary of the ICCBA, as well as on the Professional Standards Advisory, Amicus, Legal Advisory and Counsel Support Staff committees. He has also taken a leading role on ICCBA Working Groups addressing matters of legal aid, taxation, and work place harassment.

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Ingo Klaus Wamser is the principal of a German law firm specialized in criminal law since 2005. He is a founding member of the ICCBA and served as a voluntary board member of the Munich Bar from 2013 to 2015. In 2015 he was appointed as a disciplinary judge for counsel’s misconduct cases by the Bavarian Ministry of Justice and was re-appointed in 2020. Ingo served as Chairperson of the Membership Committee for three terms since 2018 and was appointed as Alternate Commissioner of the ICC in 2019. He is author of a commentary and a handbook for professional standards and disciplinary procedures for counsel and lecturer for international law at an Austrian state university.

Comité des avis juridiques​​​
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He is an exceptional, experienced, diligent and innovative Lawyer and legal leader with a proven record of improving performance with a solid understanding of Domestic and International Law. He combines the ability to provide pragmatic, solution-orientated legal advice to all clients with the tenacity, knowledge and ability required to successfully represent clients in challenging, high value, technical disputes in specialist areas. Extensive criminal experience. Ranging from Supreme Court, High Courts, District Courts and Session Courts. He served as the Prosecutor for the State of Tamil Nadu, India and Assistant to Counsel at the International Criminal Court, Netherland. He has effectively contested cases in various sensitive issues, namely offences committed by Terrorist Organisation, Sexual Offences against a Minor Child, Murder, Manufacturing of Drugs and other serious crimes. Various judges have widely appreciated him, especially the High Court, which has recorded its appreciation for his illuminative submission and out-of-the-box approach and perspective in Landmark Judgments.



As an attorney with 19 years of experience managing, criminal law, corporate regulatory compliance, human right and legal matters, I am well prepared to surpass your expectations. I invite you to consider the enclosed resume as you look to fill the role. My experience lies in spearheading legal team, criminal law defense, legal contract development, risk analysis, and trials for high-profile companies across a broad range of industries. I can thus bring to you “real world” experience in legal research and drafting, e-discovery, client interviewing and trial preparation, and case management

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ÉLISE LE GALL (Full Member)

Me Élise LE GALL est avocate au Barreau de Paris, docteur en droit de l’université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne et inscrite sur la liste des conseils habilités à intervenir devant la CPI. Elle intervient actuellement en France dans plusieurs dossiers de compétence universelle auprès du Pôle spécialisé Anti-terrorisme, Génocide, crimes de guerre, crimes contre l’humanité du Tribunal judiciaire de Paris. Elle représente notamment des anciens salariés parties civiles dans l’affaire Lafarge (complicité de crimes contre l’humanité pour ses activités en Syrie) ainsi que des parties civiles dans des dossiers rwandais, RDC, Centrafrique. Elle a également opéré un signalement devant le bureau du procureur de la CPI pour les exactions commises entre avril 2019 et mars 2020 en Guinée. Par ailleurs, elle publie régulièrement des ouvrages, articles scientifiques sur la justice pénale internationale et intervient auprès d’universités (Assas, Limoges) et est présidente de l’AFPCU. En 2010, elle a œuvré au sein d’une équipe de défense devant le TPIR, puis occupé le poste de coordinatrice de la Coalition Française pour la Cour pénale internationale (CFCPI). De 2016 à 2018, elle a également été la collaboratrice juridique spécialement rattachée auprès du Procureur général des Chambres africaines extraordinaires (CAE) du Sénégal dans le procès Hissein Habré.

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Chilean Lawyer, with 30 years of experience, Professor of Economic Criminal Law, Litigation, Cybercrimes, Data Protection and Privacy in Criminal Proceedings, and International Criminal Law in Universidad Catolica de Chile (LLM) and Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso (Chile).


Lecturer and Speaker in different Congress and Doctoral and Magister Programs in Chile, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Spain, etc.


Litigator, LLM (California Western School of Law, San Diego, USA, 2016); Specialist in Economic and Corporates Criminal Law (Universidad Castilla – La Mancha, Spain, 2011); Advanced Diploma in International Criminal Law and before the International Courts (The Syracuse Institute, Italy, 2018); Legal Advisor for Senate and Deputies Chamber in Chile.


Former President of Valparaiso Bar Association (many periods), Chile.

Full member of ICCBA, and Counsel before ICC – CPI (admitted in 2018), Member of AFBA, Member of Privacy Rules International.



Gregory Townsend started as a deputy public defender in Los Angeles. In 1998, he joined the ICTR, where he clerked for a judge and worked as a prosecuting trial attorney. He later became a prosecutor for the UN peacekeeping mission in Kosovo and ICTY. He served as Head of Office for the SCSL in The Hague. He joined the STL in 2010 as chief legal advisor to the Prosecutor. From 2014 to 2018, he served as Chief of the Registry’s Court Support Services Section for ICTY & MICT, where he oversaw witness protection, court operations, judicial records and legal aid. He is a professor of international law and on the list of counsel to represent victims before the ECCC, KSC and ICC.

Comité des adhésions


Charles A ADEOGUN-PHILLIPS is an accomplished international lawyer, former international prosecutor, and head of special investigations at the UN. He is the founding partner of Charles Anthony LLP.  He practices in the areas of international criminal law, complex ‘white-collar’ and business crimes, international investigations and litigation, asset recovery, private client, investment, and wealth advisory. Between 1998 and 2010, he successfully led teams of international prosecutors in 12 precedent setting genocide trials before the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda which spanned over 12 years, making him arguably one of the most experienced and successful genocide prosecutors in history. His advisory practice in the area of international criminal and humanitarian law has included providing advice to the Nigerian Government in connection with the preliminary examinations launched by the ICC into alleged crimes against humanity or war crimes committed in the context of armed conflict between “Boko Haram” and the Nigerian security forces; and to the Military Defence Headquarters in Nigeria, following Amnesty International’s allegations of extra judicial killings of “Boko Haram” members by the Nigerian Armed Forces. He also advises various African governments on ICC related transitional justice issues. In 2013, Charles successfully represented Christopher Mtikila, the outspoken Tanzanian politician, in his precedent setting case against the Tanzanian Government, before the African Court on Human and People’s Rights, resulting in amendments to Tanzania’s electoral laws to allow for independent candidacy for election to public office. His practice in ‘white-collar’ and business crimes has focused on representing sovereign States, major oil and gas corporations, and ultra-high-net-worth individuals in complex corruption and fraud cases, often with cross-border elements. In 2016, he led the prosecution in the unprecedented corruption trial of a Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria, Sylvester Ngwuta JSC in 2016. In 2017, Charles was instructed by an ultra-high-net-worth individual charged with corruption and money laundering to challenge a non-conviction, $40 million, interim asset forfeiture order in favour of a sovereign State. In 2021, he advised an international investor in a repudiated multi-billion-dollar infrastructure contract in defending enforcement proceedings before the Commercial Division of High Court of London, following a $9.6 billion arbitration award against a sovereign State, which involved allegations of fraud, corruption and misconduct levelled by the said State against public office holders. In 2021, he advised two joint venture partners, including an oil exploration corporation owned by a sovereign State and a multinational exploration oil company, in $1billion fraud claim against the operator of the joint venture in 3 oil producing fields. Born in London England, on March 6, 1966, Charles was educated at Repton and read law at Warwick and London universities, following which, he was admitted as a Solicitor of the Superior Courts in England and Wales in 1996 and as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria in 1992. In December 2019, he was the awarded the honourary degree of Doctor of Laws, LL. D by his alma mater, Warwick University, in recognition of his outstanding work as an international lawyer and advocate. He is cited in Creswell’s “Who’s Who in Public International Law” and in the International Yearbook and Statesmen’s Who’s Who. With other leading international criminal law practitioners and/or academics around the world, Charles contributed to the book; International Criminal Investigations: Law and Practice, published by Eleven International at The Hague in 2017. He is the focal point for Nigeria at the International Criminal Court Bar Association where he previously sat on the Membership and Professional Standards committees. He is also a Council member of the Section of Legal Practice of the Nigerian Bar Association.



Lady Gifty Tetteh is a barrister and the Head of Chambers at Chambers of GD Tetteh-UK, she is a member of the Honorable Society of the Middle Temple and the first black woman to set up her Chambers in the Middle Temple. She is also a Solicitor and Barrister of the Supreme Court of Ghana, and the CEO of Rehoboth Chambers’ (Tetteh and Tetteh Advocates)-Ghana. She holds a law degree LLB (Hons) from the London Guildhall University, a postgraduate certificate from the University of West of England –UWE and a Master of Laws Degree in Oil and Gas (LLM) from the Robert Gordon University – Aberdeen. She is (among other areas of law) a criminal barrister. She has handled cases of rape, murder and attempted murder. Lady Tetteh is a listed Counsel/Advocate at the International Criminal Court – The Hague. She regularly participates and speaks at workshops across the UK on trafficking & safeguarding children. She is a registered pupillage supervisor in England and Wales. She is a girl child mentor with the Menfyd foundation. She is a trustee and a Board member both in the UK and Africa. She is the founder and President of the Africa Women in Energy-AWIE and the Africa Women in Farming. She serves as a Patron of the Kaybobo Girls School (Ghana Education Project).






Elke Zipperer is a German specialist lawyer for criminal law as well as a specialist lawyer for traffic law. She has 21 years of experience in criminal litigation, practising in Germany as victims‘ counsel and as criminal defense lawyer as well as 3.5 years as government councilor in the penal system. At the moment she is acting as legal representative for a victim in the Loveparade proceedings before the District Court of Duisburg. Furthermore, for years she had been deputy head of the external office Nuremberg Land of the WEISSER RING e.V., the only nationwide active victim support organisation in Germany. This pro bono work had to be ended due to the professional workload. In addition to the two mandatory  German state law exams, she also holds a Master of Laws in Computers and Law from The Queen's University of Belfast. Since 2008 she is on the list of Counsels admitted to the ICC.​​

Comité de la formation​
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KATE GIBSON (Full Member)

Kate Gibson has been practicing before international criminal courts and tribunals since 2005, appearing before the ICC, ICTR, IRMCT, ECCC and SCSL on some of the leading cases before these courts. Currently, Kate is the co-counsel of Bosco Ntaganda before the ICC, and also represents Rohingya victims in the Bangladesh/Myanmar situation. Kate also leads the legal team of Paul Rusesabagina, charged with terrorism in Rwanda, and is a member of the Defence team of the former President of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi before the Kosovo Specialist Chambers.


Previously at the ICC, Kate was the co-counsel of Jean-Pierre Bemba, former Vice-President of the DRC who was acquitted by the ICC Appeals Chamber in 2018. She was also the co-counsel of former President of Liberia Charles Taylor before the SCSL, and the Co-Counsel of former President of the Republika Srpška Radovan Karadžić before the IRMCT. Kate was one of the youngest Lead Counsel to be appointed at the ICTR, representing Minister Justin Mugenzi who was acquitted on appeal. She was also the co-counsel of Jean-Baptiste Gatete, former bourgmestre of Murambi commune. Between 2007 and 2008, Kate was the Associate Legal Officer of His Honour Judge Mohammed Shahabuddeen in the Appeals Chamber of the ICTY and ICTR. Kate also represented victims in the Duch case at the ECCC.


In 2018, Kate was appointed as a Legal Consultant to the UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission for Myanmar. She is a Senior Legal Advisor with the Public International Law and Policy Group (PILPG) in Washington, DC, working on transitional justice programs in Bangladesh, Libya, and the MENA region. Kate remains enraged by the lack of diversity of international legal practice, and works with a fantastic group of female lawyers to try to encourage paid opportunities and the accessibility of international law to lawyers from diverse regions and backgrounds. She is a Vice-President of the ADC-ICT and holds an LL.M in International Law from Cambridge University. Kate works in English and speaks grammatically incorrect French with a strong Australian accent.

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ANTA GUISSE (Full Member)

Anta Guissé has been a practising lawyer at the Paris Bar in France since 1999. Her working language is French, while she also speaks English. As a criminal defence lawyer, she has appeared regularly before national criminal courts and the Assize Court in particular. In addition, Ms Guissé has several years of experience appearing before the international jurisdictions. Between 2002 and 2010, she worked with several different defence teams before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, firstly as a legal assistant and then as counsel. In 2010, Ms Guissé had an assignment in a team of Legal Representatives of Victims before the International Criminal Court. Since 2012, Ms Guissé has been acting as an international lawyer for former Chairman KHIEU Samphân before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). Ms Guissé also regularly presents at training workshops for colleagues on the subject of international criminal justice. In 2019, she was elected Chair of the Training Committee of the International Criminal Court Bar Association.


MICHAEL HERZ (Full Member)

I have over eleven years’ experience in international criminal law, including nearly five years at the ICC as a legal officer for the Office of Public Counsel for the Defence. In this role, I work on a broad range of ICC legal issues on a daily basis, meaning I am well placed to design and implement training for the ICCBA. Previously, I worked as an associate appeals counsel for the prosecution at the ICTR, associate legal officer for the ICTY Appeals Chamber, and defence legal consultant at the SCSL and ECCC. I am half-Indonesian half-German, but grew up primarily in England, which is where I was called to the Bar.

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DOV JACOBS (Full Member)

Dr. Dov Jacobs is a French International Law and International Criminal Law expert, Defense Counsel at the ICC and MICT and founder of SILC (Strategic International Legal Consulting), a consultancy firm specialised in ICL, human rights, advocacy training and capacity building ( Among other current engagements, he is co-Counsel for Mahamat Said and on the Defense team of Laurent Gbagbo at the ICC; on the Defense team of Félicien Kabuga and Duty Counsel for Petar Jojic at the MICT. He has also been involved as an Amicus Curiae in both the Afghanistan and Palestine Situations at the ICC.


Dov was a founding member of the ICCBA and has since been active, in various capacities (this year as chair of the ICCBA Counsel Support Staff Committee and member of the ICCBA Training Committee), in promoting the interests of the professional community it represents, with the belief that Defense teams and victim representatives need strong institutional presence at the ICC, in order for their voice to be heard and their needs to be addressed. This is the condition for the system to work effectively and fairly, in achieving the common goals of international justice.


Dov is a regular guest professor in a number of universities (Leiden University, Sciences Po, Université de Lille, etc.) and  has published extensively in the field of international law and international criminal law, including in leading commentaries on the Rome Statute in French and English. His current research interests cover international criminal law and procedure, public international law (particularly State Responsibility) and legal theory.


He is a door tenant at 9 Bedford Row, Senior Editor of the Leiden Journal of International Law. He regularly comments on international (criminal) law issues on his blog, Spreading the Jam.


THOMAS OBHOF (Associate Member)

I started at the ICC as an intern with the OPCD. Since then, I have worked on the Defence Teams for General Ali, President Kenyatta, Charles Blé Goudé and currently for Dominic Ongwen. During my tenure at the ICC, I have spent much of the time conducting in-country investigations. When I am not working, I enjoy fishing, skiing and working in my father-in-law’s garden. I have a Bachelor of Science in Biology, an LLM and Juris Doctor. I am a registered attorney in the State of New York (practicing out-of-state).

Comité des Amicus

DIMITRI DEBORD (Associate Member)

Dimitri is Assistant to Counsel before the C.P.I. and elected member before the Amici Curiae committee at the I.C.C.B.A. He holds a doctorate in comparative military law from the University of Paris-Nanterre (summa cum laude) and a magister degree in international law. He also was awarded diplomas from the University of Oxford (history and archeology), King's College London (European law), Sciences-Po Grenoble (governance) and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales de Paris (theory of law). Dimitri is also a former First Secretary of the Conference after winning the annual public speaking competition. In 2019, he founded the National Conference (national oratory competition aimed at appointing three National Secretaries) under the supervision of the Conférence des Bâtonniers. His involvement in international law is further evidenced by his status as a member of the Army-Youth Commission (Ministry of defense), his former status as a teacher in this field and a certificate of professionalization in international relations from the European University Institute of Florence (EUI). Finally, Dimitri has just been appointed knight of arts and letters by the Minister of culture.



Rodrigo Faucz has been practicing criminal law and humans rights law as an attorney for over 15 years. He was the Leading Counsel in over 130 murders trials by jury, with a long experience in highly complex cases, both at the State and Federal level and before the Brazilian high courts. He is currently in a Pos-Doc program in Criminal Law (at UFPR). In addition, he holds a Ph.D. in Neuroscience (at UFMG) and a Master's Degree in Fundamental Rights (at UniBrasil). He has also attended several courses in international and humans rights law in The Hague (Netherlands), in Coimbra (Portugal), and Sevilla (Spain), among others. Professor of Criminal Procedure Law since 2007, has more than 30 publications in the field, including two of the most important books about jury trial proceedings in Brazil, published by Thomson Reuters. Member of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCrim) and the International Bar Association (IBA). He is the general coordinator of the Research Center at the Jury Trial (NUPEJURI) and the International Criminal Law Study Group (GEDIPE-FAE).

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ÉLISE LE GALL (Full Member)

Me Élise LE GALL est avocate au Barreau de Paris, docteur en droit de l’université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne et inscrite sur la liste des conseils habilités à intervenir devant la CPI. Elle intervient actuellement en France dans plusieurs dossiers de compétence universelle auprès du Pôle spécialisé Anti-terrorisme, Génocide, crimes de guerre, crimes contre l’humanité du Tribunal judiciaire de Paris. Elle représente notamment des anciens salariés parties civiles dans l’affaire Lafarge (complicité de crimes contre l’humanité pour ses activités en Syrie) ainsi que des parties civiles dans des dossiers rwandais, RDC, Centrafrique. Elle a également opéré un signalement devant le bureau du procureur de la CPI pour les exactions commises entre avril 2019 et mars 2020 en Guinée. Par ailleurs, elle publie régulièrement des ouvrages, articles scientifiques sur la justice pénale internationale et intervient auprès d’universités (Assas, Limoges) et est présidente de l’AFPCU. En 2010, elle a œuvré au sein d’une équipe de défense devant le TPIR, puis occupé le poste de coordinatrice de la Coalition Française pour la Cour pénale internationale (CFCPI). De 2016 à 2018, elle a également été la collaboratrice juridique spécialement rattachée auprès du Procureur général des Chambres africaines extraordinaires (CAE) du Sénégal dans le procès Hissein Habré.


ROGER LUYCKX (Full Member)

Roger LUYCKX a été magistrat pénal de Grande Instance en Belgique pendant 15 ans. Il a siégé 20 ans à la demande des Affaires Etrangères de son pays dans un Institut géopolitique et académique à l'OTAN spécialisé en diplomatie militaire. Il a voyagé dans le monde entier et parle plusieurs langues. Il a consulté avec la diplomatie et les dirigeants de plusieurs pays. Il était présent à Bruxelles à la fondation d'Avocats sans Frontières avec le Bâtonnier de Moscou après avoir rapproché le Barreau de Paris et le Barreau de Moscou. Il était ensuite présent à Irkoutsk avec Catherine Lalumière au Palais des Décembristes avec le Gouverneur de Sibérie Orientale. Il a travaillé en Afrique comme Conseil de Permanence à la Cour Pénale Internationale.



James Onalaja is a criminal barrister with over 14 years’ experience, called to the Bar of England and Wales. He practises from 187 Fleet Street Chambers, London. He has a Bachelor of Law from Durham University, UK. He has undertaken postgraduate studies in International Criminal Law at Columbia Law School, New York and obtained a Master of Laws in International Criminal Law from University of Amsterdam. His practice focuses on: serious, complex and violent crimes; transnational and international law matters including extradition; military court martials and; alleged violations of human rights. He is admitted to the ICC List of Counsel and the List of Specialist Counsel at the KSC. He has assisted the defence team in Case 004 before the ECCC. He has also worked with members of the UN Human Rights Committee in preparing them for their 122nd Session and periodic oral dialogues with States re compliance with the ICCPR. He is experienced at providing Continuing Professional Development training to legal professionals. His maiden service on an ICCBA committee was on both the outgoing training and amicus committees. He looks forward to an opportunity to build on that learning experience, and be of further service to the ICCBA.

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